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Monday, June 18, 2012

Romney Hits ‘Timing’ of Obama’s Decision on Illegals

Presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday refused to say whether he would revoke President Obama’s decision to categorically stop deporting young-adult illegal immigrants as the ramifications of the administration’s election-year move last week continued to reverberate.

Some Republicans in Congress have vowed to sue to force Mr. Obama to back down, saying his decision to stop deportations flies in the face of the law.

But the White House — which for the last three years had told those on both sides of the issue it didn’t have the power to categorically halt deportations for young adults said it now feels on solid legal ground.



  1. How, in this great time of disparity in America where people are jobless...families are going without food or a place to live. And people all over the country struggle just to survive, can you possibly think not returning ANY illegal immigrant is a good idea since they eat off the economy but provide no taxes. getting grants and school aid like handouts while those who are legal citizens are struggling. If this were Iraq we would lock each of them up for about 10 years for being illegal, only in America are you welcomed if you are illegal.

  2. 9:45 another dope riled up without even understanding the issue.

    psst, illegals do pay taxes including property taxes and most are here working, no sitting on their hands waiting for hand outs.

  3. The so-called illegals are here simply because someone is giving them a job. Fine companies one hundred thousand for each illegal the first time and then one million for each the second and then watch what happens.

    This whole discussion is false and a distraction to real policy issues.


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