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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Republicans Are Trying To Crash The Economy For Political Gain

Senate Majority Harry Reid is now saying out loud what most Progressives have been saying for more than a year now – that Republicans are trying to crash the economy for political gain. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday about House Republicans' blocking a highway transportation bill that will keep Americans at work building our infrastructure – Reid took aim at Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor saying, "I'm told by others that [Cantor] wants to not do a bill, to make the economy worse, because he feels that's better for them. I hope that's not true." Well, Senator Reid – it IS true. And it's been the Republican strategy to sabotage Democratic Presidents going all the way back to the Truman Administration and the "Do-Nothing" Republican Congress of 1948 – which, like today, blocked every single one of Truman's progressive reforms. Truman called out Republicans for their obstruction and was rewarded with a second-term. So if President Obama wants a second-term – then he needs to start calling out Republicans just like Harry Reid did yesterday.


  1. isn't the purpose of the cloward-piven strategy that obama and the democrats are using to crash the economy by overwhelming government spending? as i stated yesterday, the dems will always accuse republicans of what they themselves are doing to take the focus off themselves. this is just another load of demo-liberal bull$^&*. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

  2. A clear case of projection from that pip squeak Reid.
    The Republican controlled house has passed at least 20 separate bills to fix the defecit spending and produce jobs. Harry Reid has blocked every one of them from even getting a vote in the Senate.

  3. 12:20 you got that right!

  4. You guys keep calling each other names and blaming each other for the countries ills. If you cannot work together and achieve some kind of compromise, the country is doomed. You people are like kids on the playground. Play the game my way or I'll just take my ball and go home! I'm sick of both useless parties.

  5. And what about Obama not signing for the pipeline to create jobs and provide fuel from Canada?

  6. None of the fuel from that pipeline was destined for the US anyway. Just to a US port to be shipped overseas.

  7. They have just had a huge leak in the pipeline in Canada that is causing all kinds of problems. Like we need that here. Plus it won't create many jobs here and the oil is not to help us but for export to other country's


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