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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Report: FBI Investigates More Than 100 Suspected Islamic Extremists Within U.S. Military

More than 100 investigations into suspected Islamic extremists within the military have been carried out by the FBI, including 12 cases considered serious, NPR is reporting.  Investigators believe the main target to be military bases. NPR reports:
Officials define that as a case requiring a formal investigation to gather information against suspects who appear to have demonstrated a strong intent to attack military targets. This is the first time the figures have been publicly disclosed.

The FBI and Department of Defense call these cases “insider threats.” They include not just active and reserve military personnel but also individuals who have access to military facilities such as contractors and close family members with dependent ID cards.

Officials would not provide details about the cases and the FBI would not confirm the numbers, but they did say that cases seen as serious could include, among others things, suspects who seem to be planning an attack or were in touch with “dangerous individuals” who were goading them to attack.


  1. How many US troops have been killed by terrorists DRESSED UP as Afghan police and military? You think that having access to OUR military ID's and uniforms in order to wreak havoc MIGHT have crossed their minds? People (liberal democrats mostly) are SO concerned with hurting someone's feelings that they can't even bring themselves to call the Ft Hood attack a "terrorist attack". obama calls it workplace violence. You know, so we don't single muslims out for their unrivaled capacity to murder and maim anyone ---unarmed women, children, innocent people begging for their lives, muslims --- it doesn't matter to them as long as there is a lot of dead people. Thats their focus, their belief and their religion. We, as a country, just don't have the intestinal fortitude to say what is not only the truth, but the painfully obvious & honest truth. They are the enemy. They admit it. They BRAG about it. Go to New York. You can find them haranging passersby with their vitrolic message of "Death to America" and "we will kill all of you!" If there is something dumber than a rock, we are it.

  2. After all the downplaying, I'm relieved to read the military is actually doing some investigating.

    Let's just hope the "dangerous individuals" who are "goading them to attack" aren't undercover FBI agents!

  3. One rolled a grenade in a command tent in Quwaite (?sp) The beltway sniper john allen mohammed did the same thing in his "guard" stint in Ca.. It's why he was discharged.
    Just to name two.

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention Fort Hood...


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