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Saturday, June 09, 2012

Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. Calls on President to Raise National Minimum Wage to $10

Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Ill.) is calling on President Obama to keep his 2008 campaign promise to “stand behind” legislation that would raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 per hour, reports The Daily Caller’s Nicholas Ballasy.

“In 2011, he wanted to see the minimum wage raised to $9.50. It is now 2012,” Rep. Jackson said as he announced his Catching Up to 1968 Act of 2012 bill Wednesday outside of the Capitol building.

“I’m calling on President Barack Obama to honor his campaign commitment of 2008 to stand behind legislation that raises the minimum wage for the American people a little more than he requested in 2008 because the numbers and the economy reflect that $10 is not an unreasonable starting point,” the Democrat state representative added.



  1. Why not just raise it to $50 per hour? Or $100? Let's go to $1,000 per hour and everybody can be rich.
    (Tongue in cheek, of course)

  2. This idiotic move would drive inflation and kill small business.

  3. Make the minimum wage $1,000,000/hour starting Monday morning at 9:00. By 10:00 everybody who shows up to work is a millionaire.

  4. What a great way to make the unemployment numbers go up, up, and up!!

  5. When will they figure out that all this does it make everything else go up.

  6. 2:19

    the powers-to-be know precisely well what will happen

    their voters don't

    their voters like shiny things

  7. Like many of the do-nothings in this country, the selfish desire to be like the rich selfish, without regard to the long term consequences for our country. Their heads are always buried somewhere (we know where) refusing to look at reality. Everything in the U.S. is depressed and raising wages will only drive the problem further. Kind of like giving away cash to undeserving bankers and corporation executives that failed miserably at their jobs, except to their investors. Why is Jesse Jackson Jr. not in jail by Rod blagojevich? Wasn't Jr. the buyer of Obama's old seat? You don't suppose that he said anything or got advice from dear old dad, before the s+++ hit the fan do you? He's just one more welfare drain sucking the last breath out of our country. I wonder what group of brainiacs elected him? Things cannot continue as before this recession, or as they presently stand. It's really a Democratic ploy for welfare and liberal votes. Is Free Trade working for Americans? Cheap garbage from China that we all can live without. Our American labor jobs farmed out to China. Until the doors are closed and tariffs in firmly in place again, nothing will change. Americans as part of the Euro domination? It's busting apart right now and countries are going back to worrying about themselves and our politicians are doing everything in their power to bring us under world domination, not sovereignty. I like to see the majority of our politicians where they truly belong, 8 feet down! We need new conservative beings top to bottom, not more of the status quo.

  8. I love all the armchair economists. You've been fed the lie for so long you really believe increasing people's living wage is a bad thing. But hey, it ain't like YOU people have to do those menial crap jobs, am I right? Get some immigrants to do them. Oh, wait... You don't like immigrants either? Well, see here's your sign...

  9. Jesse Jackson has once again proven how much of a race baiting moron he is.
    Jackson has NEVER worked a day in his life, his whole career is all about race baiting.
    Only fools listen to anything that idiot says.

  10. All you people need to try living on $7.25 an hour. Many hard working people can't pay their rent feed their family and pay their monthly bills on that amount. Any increase would be a blessing. All of you naysayers should try to live on that amount. You would look at things very differently then.

  11. As much as I despise the race baiting that Jessse and Al do, $10 is just enough to make things equal to 1972 money, so yes, it's due. Me, personally, I do not employ people for less than that. You get what you pay for. Mine make more.
    But, Jesse and friends are on their own list, not mine.

  12. It's too high...how I know? because I can live off ten an hour.

  13. You can't spend more an hour than you make in an hour and expect to get ahead. 10 an hour would have folks buying even more than they already owe

  14. If you drive up minimum wage you drive up inflation also small business;s will shrink fire employee's or shut down causing higher unemployment. Minimum wage isn't a lot to live on but these jobs were never meant to raise a family on either. If you want higher pay you have to change yourself by education or some other skill set.

  15. 6:11 I have and you know what? America owes you nothing. EXCEPT the opportunity to be successful. I worked and lived on a very small salary and did everything I could do to earn extra money. There are opportunities out there if you look instead of whine.

    And get an education while your doing it. You'll go alot further with that behind you.

  16. Anon 6:11 apparently has money to spend on a computer and internet service. Probably has a cell phone, too.

  17. 6:11, go back to France or one of the other countries who support ideas such as this. And, how's it working for them? Laugh! If companies need to pay more, they will. If you force it and they can't, they will fire people and they will go on unemployment and either love it (many do along with all the other government hand outs) or will hate it and wish they had a job again. You obviously don't know anything about business.

  18. Obviously many of you previous commenters make much more than the proposed $10/hr. minimum wage.
    I do as well. However, in 1979, I was making $3.25/hr. That was 33 years ago!
    I believe that if the minimum wage was raised to the $10.00 level, you'd see "some" of the people get off the unemployment rolls. There are many who are sitting back on unemployment because they know there's no way they can survive on the current minimum wage.
    They're making more on unemployment!
    It's been my experience that it's the small businesses who usually pay more than the minimum because they understand you get what you pay for.
    The large companies and corporations are the ones who start everyone out at minimum wage and usually there's no type of gradated pay increase for them to look forward to.
    Once businesses and corporations stop being so greedy and remember that without their employees, they'd not be as wealthy as they are, things might be better.
    It's your employees who make you those dollars every day.
    I know that if I had to go from what I'm making now, back to minimum wage, I would be willing to do a whole lot less than I do now!


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