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Monday, June 18, 2012


USMC LCPL Jose Cerrato returns after two tours in AFghanistan 20 June 2012 at 9:30 p.m. at SBY airport. His family is in Salisbury.


  1. Thanks Joe,
    Keep remidimg folks.
    They are are our past, present and future.
    Old NAVY RET.

  2. We need to show our support by being there. No matter what time it is, look what he's done for all of us who he doesn't even know. I'll be there. Will you? Thanks for letting us know, Joe. Please put a reminder out on the 20th for anyone who might not write it down.

  3. You know that just going there will put you on a list. You may be considered a security threat by the paranoid Janets, Baraks, Erics and Leons of the world.

    I hope to see 100's of people there!
    No one could be more deserving of a warm welcome home!

  4. Anon 9:07am

    If you believe that I have to wonder what is wrong with you.

  5. If you believe that I have to wonder what is wrong with you.

    June 19, 2012 10:32 AM

    I don't see anything wrong with him.

    Everything he said was true.

    I wonder what's wrong with you.


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