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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Reid Unwilling to Consider Reasonable Food Stamp Reform

The Senate’s final vote on the farm bill is expected next week, but according to Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, there will be no substantial reforms to the food stamp program due to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s obstructionism.

Eighty percent of the spending from the farm bill this year goes to the federal government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps, constituting $770 billion in spending over the next decade.

According to Sessions, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, Reid will not allow any of his reform measures — aimed at dealing with the swelling cost and growth of the welfare program — to even receive a vote.



  1. There definitly needs to be some kind of reform. There are people that truly need assistance and there are probably just as many that receive it and don't need it. There are a lot that get food stamps just for the sake of selling them to support their drug habits. I have been asked by people several times if I want to buy their food stamps for half the price. This has happened at stores as I was shopping. I would not buy them but I'm sure they found someone. If the fraud was taken out of the system it would be found welfare programs wouldn't cost a fraction of what they do now.

  2. When I needed food stamps, I had to buy lobster and other seafood and steaks just to keep the balance down! I've never spent that much on food in my life! If I bought the usual burger and chicken.

  3. I totally agree with 7:28 anon!


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