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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Racial Double Standards

Back in 2009, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said we were "a nation of cowards" on matters of race. Permit me to be brave and run a few assertions by you just to see whether we're on the same page. There should be two standards for civilized conduct: one for whites, which is higher, and another for blacks, which is lower. In other words, in the name of justice and fair play, blacks should not be held accountable to the same standards that whites are and should not be criticized for conduct that we'd deem disgusting and racist if said or done by whites.

You say, "Williams, what in the world are you talking about?" Mitt Romney hasn't revealed all of his fall campaign strategy yet, but what if he launched a "White Americans for Romney" movement in an effort to get out the white vote? If the Romney campaign did that, there'd be a media-led outcry across the land, with charges ranging from racial insensitivity to outright racism. When President Barack Obama announced his 2012 launch of "African Americans for Obama", the silence was deafening. Should the same standards be applied to Obama as would be applied to Romney? The answer turns out to be no, because Obama is not held to the same standards as Romney.



  1. Could have swore the GOP and Romney have overtly stated an interest in courting both the black and latino vote. Romney just came with a spanish language commercial and there are multiple "[pick your race] for [pick your republican]" groups out there. If you have to stretch the facts or misrepresent reality to make a point, you probably don't have one.

  2. I would say this is actually 100% accurate @12:07 and if you do not see the double standard in this country you are blind. Black Panthers willingly able to place a bounty on George Zimmerman's head on nation television with absolutely no repercussions....lets get real for a second here.

  3. The black panthers can get on tv and say what ever they want it seems and its not racist or hateful. If a muslim shoots people at a military base they are not a terrorist. If the KKK wants to pick up trash on a roadside they are denied. Does this make sense?


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