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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Putting An Unfortunate Event To Rest

Bryan Russo from Coastal Connections 88.3 FM Radio has completed his rounds of interviews and will air this special segment this Friday at 12:00 noon and 8:00 PM.

It should be one hell of a show.


  1. Nothing is being put to rest, Joey. They're not done with you yet.

  2. anonymous 4:08, Let me explain a little something to you. When you make a statement like that it actually cracks me up. Because I do what I do each and every day, (which is pretty much fight City Hall) I expect them to not be done with me every day.

    The difference between me and you is, I at least make a difference around here. I stand my ground and fight the good fight because YOU can't and YOU won't.

    I'm prepared every single day to handle the Barbara Duncan's, Matt Maciarello's, Mike Lewis' and Jim Ireton's.

    So act like a child and make these kind of statements. I'm not afraid of you or any one else for that matter. Again, I do not hide behind anonymous and my front door is ALWAYS open. What say you now?

  3. you get em Joe!

    show em all who's boss, and who's taking over this city!! (for the better, finally)

  4. I hear there are many, many current and former Gannett staffers trying to get the top-notch Communications Manager's job in Ocean City, including your friend Joe Carmean. Wow, what a waste that would be. Let's hope those folks in OC read SBYnews and know who is and isn't worth their time.

  5. What kind of difference are you actually making? I haven't seen anything

  6. anonymous 4:27, thanks for the laugh as well.

  7. I can't wait to hear it. I'll bet Ireton tries to make you look like the bad guy. Bassett will squirm and you will tell the truth. Come on Friday.

  8. Can we hear this interview on sby news? I hope. Viewing would be good. Want to see them squirm..but then my imagination will work fine.
    Keep up the good work Mister Mayor Joe.

  9. who all was interviewed - were you all interviewed together = will you be giving us a link so we can hear it?

  10. So did Ireton and other's show up for the interview or was it just you?

  11. When are you going to realize YOU are the problem around here mr. tough guy. Most real people hate your ever loving guts. Get used too it, your day will come. I can't wait.

  12. Thank you Joe for all you do.

  13. In order to finally put this to rest, Jim Ireton would have to admit he has a drinking problem. He'll never admit he has a problem. That is very unfortunate for local taxpayers.

    I can't try to help support him as a friend as long as he stays in denial. First you must help yourself in admiting that there is a problem. Could have been all so simple.

  14. Can you tell us who Bryan ended up interviewing besides yourself?

  15. Oh Shut up 5:00. We've been hearing for ages now that Joe's day is coming. You sound like a broken record.
    Oh sure, they are hunting and pecking and trying every angle whatsoever to get Joe such as turning this whole thing around into a false report investigation and all they accomplished was making themselves out to look like flies flocking to you-know-what, hot and bothered, gleaming eyes thinking 'we got him now.'

  16. Hey 5:12PM...Besides this call, what proof do you have that Ireton is an alcoholic? I don't understand the logic behind this.

  17. @5:34

    This would not be the first time Ireton has been drunk in public.

  18. This, to me, is a hate fest. There was a call made. Joe believes it was Ireton. DT employees were implicated to have impersonated him. They were fired, and rightfully so. I don't understand what Greg Bassett has to do with any of it, other than the fact that he did his job and got rid of the two supposedly involved.

  19. I will be listening!

  20. My goodness , how the truth hurts.
    Grow up people , Mr. Joe has done nothing wrong but expose some lies and slander.

  21. I still believe there is some type of cover up here. I just can't put my finger on it.

  22. 5:23 As almighty Joe would put it, let me "splain" something to you, I am Not scared of Joe! I Hate him. I am not scared to go to jail if he so much as sneezes in my direction. You get it cupcake?

  23. Tick toc,tic toc....

  24. I can't stop staring at your photo. You have beautiful eyes.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Tick toc,tic toc....

    June 27, 2012 9:05 PM

    sounds like the same exact threats coming from the dr. delusional blog.

  26. For the one asking is this the first time Ireton has been drunk. Remember the incident in public when he took his shirt off at a local bar after several drinks? Just go out, you'll find him. It's sad this is what it's come to for him.

  27. 8:19 must be the mayor himself, that little pink CUPCAKE :) :) :) :) :)

    love, hate. its all an obsession with someone. so why not grow up and just have no feeling towards him and stay off his blog???

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    8:19 must be the mayor himself, that little pink CUPCAKE :) :) :) :) :)

    love, hate. its all an obsession with someone. so why not grow up and just have no feeling towards him and stay off his blog???

    June 28, 2012 11:12 AM


  29. I remember the local news saying Mayoral Candidate Jim Ireton was previously arrested for being arrested after frolicking on the beach and then running from the cops.

  30. my comment was directed at 8:19 PM, NOT 8:19AM


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