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Friday, June 29, 2012

‘Politics Over Public Safety’:Holder Blames Bush and Attacks Issa in Reaction to Contempt Charges

Eric Holder has not had a good day, and judging by his public reaction to Congress’ vote to hold him in criminal contempt, it shows. In a brusque 2 minute statement, Holder goes for every charge he can think of, accusing Congress of putting “politics over public safety” out of a cynical desire to create a scandal during an election year, all while talking up his own record of leadership in trying to decipher the problems behind Operation Fast and Furious.



  1. Holder said, "They don't have any facts," Duh! He won't release the facts congress is requesting, like e-mails they were told about by whistle blowers. Keep an eye on the Justice Department, probably see a fleet of Shred-It trucks pulling up!

  2. Bush hasn't benn there in four years!

  3. Holder is a Chicago gangster just like his pathetic boss.

  4. Funny how they say they put politics before public safety...

    Didn't he just help obama bin laden do just that in the illegal immigration fiasco? saying they will not help or send ICE agents to the border to help Arizona?


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