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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Perfect Storm Coming To America

Last week, I attended a meeting in Denver, Colorado featuring Michael Brownlee, a speaker on the fastest growing organization in the 21st century: www.transititiontowns.org. Over 900 cities across the globe participate in preparation for the coming resource crisis. For anyone who might be concerned as to the future of this nation, you will find a plethora of information at the websites provided. Additionally, you will be able to hook-up with people in your state.

A “Perfect Storm” gathers on the horizon as Peak Oil, Economic Instability, Climate Change and Hyper-Population Growth collide within the United States. While Americans watch multiple breakdowns throughout their economic and environmental systems, a gathering citizen armada prepares for an uncertain future—that most assuredly looms on the U.S. horizon.

Dana Miller, director of the “Denver Transition Movement” in Denver, Colorado, sponsored Michael Brownlee, a man sporting swept-back silver hair and wearing John Denver glasses, to speak about how average Americans can mobilize to deal with the coming loss of cheap oil energy, called “Post Peak Oil.” With his compelling power point program, Brownlee addressed a packed house on what all Americans face in the coming decades.

“We face a Perfect Storm with the triangulation of Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Instability,” Brownlee said. “These converging factors create a dynamic that we are unprepared for. James Howard Kunstler addresses them in his book, “The Long Emergency."



  1. We can drill our own oil and climate change is junk science.

  2. Peak oil my a-- and what about all that natural gas. How about do away with the EPA and gas would be $2 bucks a gal or less.

  3. We can drill to be self supporting but the globalists dont want that.Climate change is natural not man-made.1 volcano puts more contaminates in the air than all of mankind has.

  4. Bla bla bla remember all the stuff that was going to happen when it turned 2000? Made people spend a lot of money getting ready for nothing. Fools born everyday.


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