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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Oreo Cookies Go Gay on Facebook

This image was posted yesterday on Facebook to the Oreo fan page, apparently by representatives of the company that makes the “world’s favorite cookie.” While the cookie depicted is not available for consumption, this decision by representatives of such an iconic snack to support gay pride has prompted (perhaps unsurprisingly) quite a high level of controversy. The Guardian reports:

While most commenters were in support of the multi-coloured equal rights cookie, others disagreed with Oreo’s tolerant stance, some even threatening a biscuit-boycott.

“This is absolutely disgusting,” opined Desean Washington. “Your attempt to ‘normalize’ the behaviour of homosexuals has cost you a customer.”

Steven Osoria was another to express displeasure with the post, which provoked such a violent response that he had decided he was “never eating an oreo ever again”.



  1. Something else to boycott.

  2. Yep, no more Oreos for my family.

  3. I'm gay for oreos.

  4. I never did like sweets.

  5. just freakin stupid... When will they get atleast 90% of country are NOT gay.... If people would boycott, then they would get it.

  6. they won't celebrate another 100 years.

  7. how sad that nabisco would support an unnatural way of life. No Nabisco products for my house!!

  8. When I saw this, I laughed at how silly these Christians are. People were getting upset over a cookie... Then I took a moment to think about the whole situation.

    Why would anyone care about two dudes getting it on? I've seen more in the news and online about this silly rainbow cookie over the past few days than I have ever seen concerning seemingly more important issues like:

    Children going hungry in our own country. 16 million children a day go to bed without food in their stomachs in the USA alone. Apparently, two guys knocking boots is more important than our future generation.

    Up to 300,000 children are forced into the sex trade and prostitution each year in the USA. No big deal, right?

    Obviously the list of important issues which are trumped by a rainbow oreo cookie goes on and on and on

    When one becomes more upset about the activities of two consenting adults than issues that are actually important, they are more than welcome to go to their heaven without me. Their God is nothing I want if they represent his ideas like they claim they do.

  9. No more Oreo's for me either! Enough is enough!


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