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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Oprah's Career 'Tanking Because of Obama'

Oprah Winfrey’s virtual vanishing from America’s airwaves is the direct result of her political support for Barack Obama, according to the nation’s top-rated radio host.

“Oprah threw away her TV career for Obama,” Rush Limbaugh said this afternoon. “If you want to know why Oprah’s not on television anymore, it’s because she supported Obama. If you want to know why Oprah is flailing away on a cable network that nobody watches, it’s because of Obama.”

Oprah is best-known for her self-titled TV talk show, which became the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally broadcast from 1986 to 2011.



  1. That is quite a stretch, even for Rush.

  2. There will be a bunch of people tanked because of support of Obama. I do no business with any company that supported Obama. If they were true Americans they wouldn't have supported him to begin with. My money is just as green some place else. If any company supports a liar, than that company is a liar.

  3. The oil in my truck is way over due for changing, and it is all because of Obama. My shoes are falling apart and it is all because of Obama. My lemonade tastes like bananas and it is all because of Obama. I am in no way a supporter of Obama or any other lying politician for that matter, but come on. The women retired after twenty five years of that show and now he is blaming Obama... She is still making her millions behind the scenes I am sure.... I vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE... I forgot to sign my name and that is Obama's fault too.... Good luck in the elections Joe. I would vote for you if I lived in little Baltimore, I mean that city...

  4. Not so sure 5:33. I had the same thought immediately after seeing her give her support at a press conference. All buddy buddy with the NOman in chief.

    Almost as soon as she had done that her ratings started to go downhill and she has never regained her momentum since.

    What I do find ironic is that she is a black, successful, female who couldn't have done what she did were it not for America's capitalist, free market system.

    AND - she's one of the richest women in the world. So when the democrats start calling people racists in America consider that.

  5. I believe there is some truth in what he is saying....I was never a fan of hers.....felt she was not genuine...and her true self came out when it came time to back Obama.

  6. As much as I like Oprah, her newest show about the super well to do people, trying to be average joe's is sad. With the exception of Steven Tyler, they (the celebs) seemed to yearn (is it trendy?) to be the normal American's..

  7. Huge stretch. She's failing because she tried her hand at forming a network, and has failed miserably at getting quality shows for it. Its like when Rosie bought McCall's. I'd be very suprised if Oprah's network lasts 3 years.

  8. completely agree with rush on this one. poor oprah has even been dissed by michele and valerie... oh well.

  9. For those of you who agree with Rush on this, please ask yourselves:

    When was the last time you disagreed with Rush on anything?

    There's a reason he calls them dittoheads...

  10. It happens to all those celebrities that become political.
    Oprah had an audience of mostly white middle aged women that watched her because she was very neutral with her show.
    Then one day she exposes herself as a race baiting libtard.
    What do you think happens afters that.
    Look at the others that have done the same.
    Rosey O'dumba$$
    Brett Butler
    Sean Penn
    The Dixie Chicks
    Ect Ect

  11. @June 7, 2012 10:55 PM

    Yesterday, when Rush explained to his audience that he believes Obama is a socialist.

    Obama is more fascist then socialist.

  12. Never a fan of Oprah's, will be glad to see her network off the air. I do find it strange that Michelle Obama does not like her, they seem to be cut of the same racial cloth. Would like to see her AND Obama gone in November 2012!


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