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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Opponents Of Same-Sex Marriage File Final Signatures

A group trying to repeal Maryland's new same-sex marriage law said they submitted 39,743 additional signatures to the state Monday, bringing to 162,241the number of people who asked to put the law on the November ballot.

The amount far surpasses the nearly 57,000 needed to trigger a referendum and exceeds a self-imposed goal of reaching 150,000 signatures made by the Maryland Marriage Alliance, a group spearheading the repeal effort.



  1. Why do these people care who marries who? I bet these are the same people who dont want the government telling them what to do or take away personal rights, now using government to force their anti-gay views on society.

  2. Yes we are the people that don't want the government telling us what to do or taking away our rights. What are you retarded. This is suppose to be a free society. We have rights given us by the constitution and we don't want the government telling us what car we can buy or what light bulb we have to buy or anything. That is why we have been a free country for 236 years. We are not stupid as the liberals believe us to be that they have to tell us what to do all the time. Our grandparents and parents made out just fine making their own decisions and we will too.

  3. And its ok for gays or gay advocates to push same sex views on society? Really, think before you let oyur a$$ override your mouth!

  4. I guess if this bill passes I will push for a tax break. I wany it to be legal to say my dog and her six pups are my wife and children and write them off as dependants on my taxes. Marriage or Holy Matramony is meant to be man and women.

    Draw up a contract with an attorney. Any church that condones or marries gays is an abomination.

    The govt. had no place in this
    issue,but the rainbow warriors have liberals in the bag.

  5. 9:04, Your argument is absurd. The issue is not about marrying animals or inanimate objects, its about people. I once again ask, why do you care who marries who? Its not your business and in no way effects you


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