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Friday, June 08, 2012


The Ocean City community has experienced two pedestrian traffic fatalities this season. In the most recent incident, the pedestrian was in the travel portion of the roadway, not in a crosswalk, and crossing against the traffic light. Ocean City Police will continue to strictly and aggressively enforce the pedestrian and scooter traffic laws and ordinances and will be citing citizens for violations. Ocean City Police urge citizens to use extra caution while crossing streets, as well as advise drivers to be alert of pedestrians on the road. For individuals who are traveling on foot, on a bicycle, moped or scooter, here are some important safety tips to remember: · Cross the street at a marked crosswalk or intersection. · Make eye contact with drivers when crossing busy intersections · Continue to watch for traffic the entire time you are in the crosswalk. · It is illegal to wear headphones in both ears at the same time while operating any vehicle. · Vehicle operators should to be extremely vigilant while driving, keeping consistently aware of pedestrians, bicycles, mopeds and scooters. · Avoid making quick, un-signaled turns or abrupt stops. If you can’t make the turn safely, proceed past the turn and turn around when safe. · Allow plenty of time to stop or proceed through intersections.

Pedestrians should only use crosswalks and not take unnecessary risks crossing busy streets against traffic lights. · Parents are reminded to pay extra attention to children when crossing busy roads. Keep hold of small children’s hands while waiting for traffic lights to change and while crossing. The Ocean City Police Department reminds visitors to Walk Smart: Drive with Care, Walk with Caution.


  1. OCPD needs to start handing out jaywalking tickets! If they enforced the law you would have less people taking chances.

  2. The only way to stop jaywalking is to put up unbreachable barricades between all legal crosswalks. Period. It seems that tourists are willing to die just to get to the ocean a minute quicker. It's funny, I live a couple minutes from the ocean and never see it and some people will drive for hours and then run through moving traffic, risking life and limb to be near it.


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