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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama Bureaucrats Are Fueling Wildfires

Colorado Springs— The smell of singed air here is inescapable. Less than 50 miles west of my neighborhood, the latest wildfire has spread across 1,100 acres. It’s the fifth active blaze to erupt in our state over the past month. But ashes aren’t all that’s smoldering.

The Obama administration’s neglect of the federal government’s aerial-tanker fleet raises acrid questions about its core public-safety priorities. Bipartisan complaints goaded the White House into signing a Band-Aid fix last week. But it smacks more of election-year gesture politics: too little, too late, too fake.

Ten years ago, the feds had a fleet of 44 firefighting planes. Today, the number is down to nine for the entire country. Last summer, Obama’s National Forest Service canceled a key federal contract with Sacramento-based Aero Union just as last season’s wildfires were raging. Aero Union had supplied eight vital air tankers to Washington’s dwindling fleet of aerial firefighters. Two weeks later, the company closed down and 60 employees lost their jobs. Aero Union had been a leader in the business for a half-century.



  1. not many minorities in that area , he don't give a crap about whites .

  2. Heat advisory today. Don't leave pets in car. Check on old people. Stay inside as much as possible, especially from 10am to 3pm when it is the hottest.

  3. Didn't Romney just say we need fewer firefighters? You want smaller government? Well this is what smaller government looks like.

  4. Yea not sure why this is a true problem we dont need 44 planes.

  5. 8:54. If you lived in an area prone to wildfires you might not make the statement you just did. How quick people are to decide what others may need. I also don't think all the planes went to crap in just the last 4 years.

  6. LOL, thanks 805. Funny how so many like to advocate for one position (less spending) then cry out against that position for political points.

  7. Mmmm , it's not Katrina , no blacks , no help.
    We need more hispanics , they are good workers , they would have this fire under control in short order.


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