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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nine Elementary Schools To Pilot Consistent Attire Program (CAP) for 2012-13 School Year

Nine Wicomico elementary schools will pilot a Consistent Attire Program for the 2012-13 school year. The schools are North Salisbury, Beaver Run, West Salisbury, Pinehurst, Prince Street, Delmar, WELC, Pemberton and Charles H. Chipman Elementary. No other schools will have CAP in 2012-13. CAP details are posted on the Board's website here:



  1. YEA ......Just enforce the dress code they all ready have ....Take away the freedom to dress as you want sounds like prison ....Good jeans and a tee shirt is fine for a 10 yr old to be dressed in .....Just make them pull up their pants and STUDY .....

  2. Anyone know why the principals of Glen Aven. and East Salis. were on the board agenda yesterday about Consistent Attire? If they're not doing it, why were they discussing it?

  3. I am still on the fence about this. Yes, it will make the mornings easier, but to use the excuse that this will help with discipline is ridiculous.
    Now we will have bad, awful kids in uniforms.

  4. School should be about learning this is a good first step. I would like to see boys schools and girls school to help the kids to focus on school instead of social BS and would also stop the teacher/student molestation problem.

  5. 12:11pm..AMEN..cannot say it loud enough..I do believe that if they are going to require uniforms then it should apply to middle and high school students as well...the pubescent years when things really go nuts. My children got the call from Glen Ave last night that this was not required..can you say kids doing their Happy Dance in my living room? hehehe

  6. This is total BS. It's not been that long since i was in school and I can tell you that I would not have adhered to that dress code for one day. They will spend more in hiring the additional teachers to handle all of the ISS than they will on new books. This BOE really has no clue. Johnny Boy needs to go away.

  7. I've spoken to a dozen parents and everyone said they didn't agree with this program. What were the results of the parent survey? I think they did it anyway and piss on the parents who didn't want it. I personally would be ok with it, if the BOE supplied the clothes.

  8. Good grief, did someone seriously just say they would be ok with this as long as the BOE paid for the clothes? Just where do you think that money will come from?

  9. I think this is a great idea. My son is in high school at Delmar and they implemented this years ago. It makes it so there is no division between the "haves" and "have nots". You are not allowed to show off in designer duds while others are wearing hand me downs. The uniform clothes are less expensive to buy and that makes it easier on families with less money. The ones here complaining probably have spoiled kids.

  10. They counted "maybe" and "need to think about it" answers as Yeses.

    Here I am trying to teach my grandkid to trust authority, and they lied about his mother answered.

  11. Maybe they want to try to strip the rebellion from the kids. Remove people's individuality and they follow without question. Sheeple unite! Yeah right.

  12. I am happy that CAP is coming into our elementary schools and welcome it if and when it comes to our middle schools and high schools. Dress for success and leave the tramp/thug attire for your own time. Express yourself through your grades at school and use your evening and weekends to dress how you want. Isn't that how it works with the majority of working people? I was raised in schools with uniforms and it was not a big deal. Actually, it was. I came from a low income family and if the people I went to school with KNEW that, they didn't comment. Maybe because we all dressed the same? I couldn't tell who the haves and have-nots were. Allow your CHARACTER to speak for you, not your clothes. Just a former uniformed kid's opinion (and mom of two).

  13. This is the land of opportunity ...The discussion about haves and have nots is SOCIALISM ...Yes If you work hard you can be well off ....So what is wrong with that ????? If you can not afford nice things for your kids it is YOUR Fault ...not mine ....My child should not have to dress down because you can not get off the couch and WORK ...

  14. 9:08
    So when your child comes home and has been beaten up because the "have nots" took their stuff you will be the same one to complain. School is suppose to be about learning not a fashion statement.

  15. I am a Delmar parent and was VERY against the policy when it had first been introduced, for all of the same reasons most of the people here have voiced. Funny, my kids were not even as against it as I was. Two weeks into the school year, I thought the policy was the best thing since sliced bread. The only thing I don't like is the belt requirement for small children. Bathroom breaks may get a little difficult as well as "emergency" situations. I do agree, however, with the person who said that a policy is needed in the secondary schools where some student do not dress appropriately at all.

  16. ....In response to the comment before ....If a child comes home "beaten up " and their stuff taken any parent would be upset ...They have been a victim of a CRIME...The kids that did the assault and theft should be JAILED ....Where they can were they can be dressed in a uniform ...However in today's school they would only get I.S.S. and a call to their parents ....The problem is not the clothes ....It is the parents who do not teach right and wrong ...If school is a place to learn how about teaching right and wrong ..Assault and battery and robbery is a crime and those who work hard and get a good education can afford the better things in life ..

  17. It's not the schools place to teach right from wrong. The schools should also not have to police the kids on what they can and can't wear. It is the parents responsibility to do both. I would go for the uniform if I thought it would be safer for my child. If you want a better education for your child put them in private school...oops most of those require a uniform also.

  18. In discussions about this policy, the ones depicted as bullies were the kids who are better dressed. It was said they bully the at risk students and make fun of their clothing. One administrator said that with the new policy the bullying of at risk students will stop and their achievement will soar. Someone needs to visit the schools and see who the bullies are. Not that the real bullies will ever be held accountable, but at least they would be identified and so would their victims.


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