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Monday, June 25, 2012

New Yorkers Stunned as Plane Flies Swastika Banner Over NYC’s Beaches

Beach attendees were stunned over the weekend after a small plane flew a swastika banner over Long Beach Island, though it could be seen, according to the New York Post, from Manhattan and even the Jersey shore.

“Proswastika.org” was reportedly written on the banner, and the swastika symbol was depicted intertwined with the Star of David.

A group called the International Raelian Movement is claiming responsibility for the stunt, which they say is part of “swastika rehabilitation day,” or making the swastika a positive symbol after World War II gave it a new meaning internationally.



  1. I'm sure obamie ordered this stunt.

  2. If you know anything about history, that symbol was not a negative symbol until World War II. Unfortunately somebody twisted what was once considered a symbol for peace.

  3. I think the Raelians have every right to wear whatever symbols on their parabolic reflector hats, if they feel it will get the aliens' attention!

  4. What one man calls alien, another refers to as demon.

    The truth about WWII is becoming known outside the U.S.

    The Rothschild Family Seal was once blood red.

  5. Actually the Nazi Swazstika has its points pointed other way around this is the positive one used by many around the world before Adolph Hitler made it a symbol for evil

  6. since i have not researched this, i can only say this symbol is evil on its face in this culture. it will take many, many years for this to be reversed. bottom line.

  7. if he wants to fly his plane and his banner, why condemn him? everyone else is screaming for attention too.


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