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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Movie Theaters Trying To Lure Customers With Any Non-Movie Event They Can

In a bid to save the movie theater industry, venues around the country are turning to just about any other kind of entertainment event they can possibly show that isn't actually a movie. If you've got that big old screen and seats for plenty of people, why not pull in some business with say, a nice opera or live boxing match?

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  1. Last year I tried to drum up a Super Bowl showing in our local theater,Stadium 16.They did not consider it viable because of the inevitable consumption of alcohol.I realized they were right,but just imagine the Super Bowl on a theater screen!

  2. 1046-Here in DC some movie theaters have alcohol. I know the theaters owned by Mark Cuban do. Personally I think it's a great idea.

  3. When they (The movie theaters) decide to offer a value instead of over priced tickets and ridiculous concession prices, then they will start gaining customers back.
    I have been buying movies every week and watching them in my home theater and at $20.00 a disk for blue ray it is still much cheaper than sittin in an uncomfortable seat and watching the people in front of me texting all through the movie.


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