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Saturday, June 09, 2012

Montgomery Co. Has Nation's Highest Graduation Rate

Montgomery County is the top of the pack out of the nation's large school districts, with an 87 percent graduation rate, according to Education Week's recently published 2012 Diplomas Count report.

Montgomery County Public Schools spokesman Dana Tofig says the school system wants to see an increased push to get graduation rates higher.

"We're not going to stop working until we know 100 percent of our kids are graduating on-time and that they're ready for whatever comes next," Tofig says.



  1. Could it be because they spend almost $11,250/student?? Wicomico only spends $3625. Well at least what is "required" from the county.

  2. When there are lots of jobs here that pay what jobs in MoCo pay, and more houses and businesses with the property values of MoCo, then you can lecture about what Wicomico spends.

    As long as education is tied to property taxes, this is what you are going to get, from sea to shining sea.

  3. BTW, Wicomico's graduation rate is 82.7%. That's above the national average. Not bad, 4.3 % points behind MoCo, not bad for that $3,625.

  4. Could it be that they are not backward rednecks?

  5. Has anyone noticed that Montgomery County is also broke? They pay 5 times the property tax that we do.
    Most of the jobs are either government or have something to do with the government.
    They are there. When was the last time you were in Montgomery County?

  6. Not Overly Impressed in SBYJune 9, 2012 at 5:58 PM

    I am happy but confused over this fact. Do they cattle herd students through or are they all as equally prepared as they could be. Working in a small part of the education system for a while I think pandering little kids to "be themselves blah blah blah" has lead to a non existent or unrealistic work ethic and lack of knowledge. This is a neat feel good head line but I wouldn't put money on it, the proof is in the six years they continue education or have a work background to show how the apply what the con continue to learn

  7. Know chile lef behine. We awl gradiated!

  8. Where on earth did someone get the information (erroneous) that WICO only spends $3625 per student??? According to Sperling's Best Places, the figure is more than $6,000 per student. However, if one looks at the demographics of the Bethesda area, for example, the number of people with a 4 year college degree is over 50%. Motivated and educated parents usually encourage their kids to obtain at least a high school education!

  9. Not necessarily rednecks but Mont county has a higher percent not only of household incomes, but college graduates and 2 parent households. 2 parent households equals higher graduation always.

  10. @9:17
    I was stating what the county's share is. The other is recieved from the state and Feds. So I any fathom what total Mont Co spends per student.


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