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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Mitchell A No Show & Ireton Leaves Early

At yesterday's work session Laura Mitchell was a no show and Mayor Ireton left very early into the meeting. It only took two phone calls for me to find out exactly why they refused to participate in important city business.

Ireton and Mitchell were attending a special Meeting with Governor O'Malley and the Speaker of the House in Annapolis for the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

If you ever wondered why the City can't ever seem to head in the right direction its because you have a Mayor and one Council Member, (Mitchell) more interested in Obama than they are the good of the City of Salisbury. The citizens can't forget that Mitchell over spent taxpayer money traveling back and forth to Annapolis throughout the year for special interest meetings not approved by the Council in advance.

They have more interest in this being a stepping stone for the future than anything else.


  1. Kissing the Governers rear is how we get State money. You too will be doing the same... soon enough!

  2. I think its important to suck up to the Governor. Look how Pollitt got the money for BMS! Its all about smootching a rear or two!

  3. "They have more interest in this being a stepping stone for the future than anything else." Same as O'Malley. He will figure very heavily in national politics very soon.

  4. Joe has a naive view on this whole thing. He will soon learn *:52 and 8:53. He just likes to complain, he reminds me of my Mom Mom in that way.

  5. When the RNC needs your help Joe, you are going to deny that? I want to vote for you but sometimes you get so caught up on a city you don't even actually reside in that you can't see the bigger picture. There is a reason good politicians are the way they are and I hope someday you reach that level. The rest of the people have no clue what it is really like and just live in their own little imaginary world of blissful ignorance.

  6. Would your wife be the first Salisbury first lady that used to love getting gangbanged in high school? Has she told you about that Joe? Good times.

  7. anonymous 9:09, If elected I would be Mayor of Salisbury, period. I would respect the fact that the citizens put me in office to do my job and NOT run back and forth for liberal style pep rallies.

    I would NOT jump on board and run away from my commitments. You asked, I answered.

    I think the RNC can survive without Joe Albero. Besides, in all honesty, look at the last two elections. Would YOU suppoprt ANY of the candidates or will YOU be voting for the best of two evils like we did with Ireton and Comegys?

  8. anonymous 9:19, Is that all you've got, personally attacking my Wife? Folks, this is exactly what we'll have to deal with in this election. They CANNOT attack me because they already know I have this election in the bag. They'll attack my Wife, our Grandson and our Family. Sound familiar?

    The funny part is, my Wife went to High School in the Carolina's and not here. If you've ever met my Wife, she is by far the finest Lady you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting. She fully stands by my side in this election.

    She has watched me work for many years and she knows I can bring life back to Salisbury because I believe in Salisbury.

    So go ahead and attack her. Her skin is just as thick as mine is and together we will make Salisbury the best City in America to live in, raise children and retire.

    Just be careful, she's not a public figure. Show some respect.

  9. Seriously if you all think 2 had been politicians from Salisbury are going to get anything out of any governor you're living in a dream world. The governor is only interested in those people with $$$$.
    That's the way politics works. They can "suck" up to omalley all they want but in the end it's those with the money that count. Their opinions do not matter one iota to omalley.

  10. Let them go to the higher powers and let Obama pay his salary not Salisbury...The city of Salisbury will gladly let them have him...he's doing nothing for us..

  11. Anyone that sucks up to O'Malley and Obama is not fit to be elected to dog catcher, certainly not mayor or council.

  12. Some of this debate is laughable and totally misses the point.

    This was a trip for party politics, pure and simple. Mitchell especially neglected her sworn duties to the city to go rub elbows. At least Ireton had his staff there to do his job.

    If Mitchell is putting her party before her city, she needs to resign.

  13. What really makes me mad about his is that Ireton and Mitchell ignored their duties as the Mayor and a council member in SALISBURY to go do some political schmoozing in Annapolis. It was not on their own time. It was on ours when they had other important duties to perform. It was not work or a family scheduling conflict, it was a junket. Then you have Mitchell spending city money on her trips to Annapolis like it is picked from trees. That is what's not okay about his behavior.

  14. Really now! This mayor needs to get his act together and start working for the betterment of Salisbury. JT is claiming that the mayor's supposed plan for downtown is the plan submitted in 2001! The mayor needs to get back into his office, surrounding himself with business minded people and come up with something new and creative that works for the downtown. Put a new crew together and get busy, Mayor! NOW! Come up with a real plan and not a pipe dream!

  15. Bump this up.

    Reading this burns me up. I voted for that woman and she turned her back on doing her job.

    Political social climber!

  16. Your wife is so great that you and her don't live together. Now that's funny. Go and print that!

  17. James, Do you say that about ALL of the men and women overseas serving our Country in the armed forces?

    My Wife and I figured we had it a whole lot better than most considering we can see one and other on weekends.

    My Wife visits me every day for lunch and we catch up, does yours? In fact, I enjoy preparing and making her lunch every week day.

    Now think about this too. She has her remote and can watch whatever she likes on week nights and I can do the very same.

    Critisize me all you like, we have a great marriage and live a great life. Obviously it's not the same for you but the way I see it, you deserve what you get.

  18. It's a wonder Jimmy had nerve enough to show up at all. As for Mitchell, I didn't vote for her because I smelled another Louise smith.

  19. "James, Do you say that about ALL of the men and women overseas serving our Country in the armed forces? "

    Because you serving your gargantuan ego is even REMOTELY the same thing as the honorable service of our men and women in uniform? You need a reality check, boy.

  20. Mitchell just doesn't get it, she's a stepping stone for Ireton, not the other way around. On her own, Mitchell would sink like a stone.

  21. Business executives generally are away for a greater portion of the year working, James Norton.
    Alot do have apartments near corporate headquarters and their wives and families live in other parts of the country, near extended family. I know some who have even lived oversees for a few years.

  22. I can see Obama saying now okay now Jim Ireton let me put the losing of a national re-election campaign on the back burner there we go okay now. What can the POTUS do for Salisbury today? Give me a break if he would even give Ireton an audience it would be on issues other than the City of Salisbury! Let's just say another group Ireton represents is snuggling up to a new found lover of everything he and others like him stand for!

  23. James Norton
    Boy are you in the dark. There are many people that because of certain reason do not live together all the time. I happen to be one of them. My husband works in the DC area during the week and comes home on the weekends. Do you think I like it that way? NO I hate it as a matter of fact. He has no choice. There are no jobs in his field in this area right now so he is forced to go across the bridge. People sometimes do things they don't really want to do because the outcome will improve things in the future.

  24. James Norton - what business is it of yours how others choose to live their lives? Have you ever gone downtown and talked to Joe? He's really a nice guy and has a nice plan for Salisbury's future and I just can't understand why you would criticize the way they live. Are you bored and need to have someone to talk about? Sure sounds like it.

  25. Joe:

    Are they charging their Annapolis trip to the City, like Mitchell has done in the past and probably Ireton too?

  26. Funding Party politics should not be in the city budget. We have non-partisian elections here. Conflict of interest?

  27. I have known Jim Ireton for most of my life.I will never cast another vote for this man as long as we both shall live.


  29. Anon 1:31 OK Sweetie! I am so sorry.

  30. Please tell me the population of Salisbury isn't stupid enough to elect a liar and thief to the office of Mayor. I don't even live in Salisbury and I wouldn't vote for this moron.

  31. I am confused @2:15 are you talking about our current Mayor?


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