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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Megyn Kelly Forced to Correct Dem. Guest on Arizona Immigration Law…Multiple Times

Fox Host Megyn Kelly delivered a no-nonsense correction to one of her guests Wednesday after, among other things, he tried to argue a factually inaccurate point.

She opened the segment with a clip of Rush Limbaugh explaining that the government is cutting support for Arizona’s efforts to help enforce federal immigration law. Rush said:
“It’s abundantly clear now [that] Obama’s given up winning Arizona.  He doesn’t care.  Written it off.  Now going Soviet on it, to make an example to every other state.  By the way, and do not discount that.  This is a message to every other state on the border, the same can happen to you if you try this stunt.  It’s good old-fashioned, political Soviet-style intimidation.

“Barack Obama has kicked Arizona out of whatever is left of the federal government’s border enforcement, and in the process, what has Obama, in real world consequences, just done here?  Obama has sent a special delivery Fed-Ex or UPS to smugglers and traffickers and criminals of all kind that Arizona is wide open.”

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