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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

McCain on Obama Granting Work Permits to Illegals: He Can't Do It Because He's Not King

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told CNSNews.com on Monday that President Barack Obama does not have the authority to unilaterally grant illegal aliens the authorization to work in the United States because he is not a king.

In making this argument, McCain said he was referencing Obama's own words.

CNSNews.com asked McCain, “President Obama said Friday that his administration would like to grant work authorization to some illegal aliens. Where specifically does the Constitution authorize the Executive Branch to permit illegal aliens to work in the United States?”



  1. How dare a decorated former prisoner of war ridicule our esteemed dear leader.

  2. We need to stop this now before he becomes king! Arm yourselves the battle is close!

  3. Again, what part of "ILLEGAL" is Obama not understanding. He's going to ruin us all.

  4. Actually it's not illegal. Just because you keep saying it will never make it true.

    McCain is just bitter that he will neve, ever become president.


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