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Friday, June 08, 2012

Liberal Logic 101


  1. This is why I hate voting.

    You can never get a candidate that is on neutral sides. Everybody wants to pick a side. There are positives on each sides of the 2 parties, but everybody just wants to pick fights rather than solve the issues.

    I like to consider myself fiscally conservative, socially liberal.

    Rather than bashing one side, how about you look at the positives to each. There is is no one stopping you from crossing party lines every now and then for the better good of this country.

    Also, business owners who make 1 million a year do not put out 50 million towards jobs, because if that was the case, this country would have absolutely no issues.

    The problem is that very high percentages of wealthy business people are all about making money for themselves, not creating jobs. The jobs that are created are at such a low wage because business men have no obligation to pay anyone higher than minimum wage. Yes they may create jobs, but they create jobs at such a low wage that living is basically impossible.

    The fiscal inequality in this country is ridiculously high. And its because of these business men who control the wages that they pay. When you have business owners who make millions, yet almost all of their employees are making 7-10$/hour, that is not going to help the economy. Does it provide jobs? Technically, yes, but they are jobs that are pretty much worthless.

    And that is why they need to be taxed more. THere is no need to be making 4 million/ year while your employees that run the actual business are making low 5 figure salaries.

  2. My question would be how many of the business owners (which you seem to think are all conservative) donate .2% of what they make to charity? If you have that answer, then you can make honest comparisons. Otherwise you're just blowing smoke.

  3. Businesses create jobs, period. If someone is qualified for a better paying position elsewhere, go get it. As a longtime business owner I sometimes feel like the government should be paying me for collecting their taxes. I pay my people a very good wage and then have to do the governments dirty work or I will be fined or worse. People that complain about stingy business owners should start their own company and see how the other side copes with insurance, taxes, government regulations, licenses and on. Or you can just complain about the ones who choose to take on such a burden.

  4. I would say that the average business owner is conservative by default. To be a successful business owner you had better be fiscally conservative at least. Most business owners work way more hours than their employees and deserve to be compensated for their effort and the risks they are exposed to. Smart employers reward good employees with good pay and benifits, or they loose them. Common sense.

  5. It has been proven time and again that republicans donate more to charity than demorats,liberals are only good at spending Othet people's money .

  6. business owners contribute to needs of the people. celebrities contribute for a moment. why do people take what celebrities say to heart? they can't do much without a script; sort of like Obama.

  7. youre just racist! lol

    either that or youre picking on ellen because shes gay. so that must mean youre also a hatred-filled bigot!

    heaven forbid we pay attention to the facts!

  8. Know why liberals want to expand government? Because that is where most of them come from. They have never had to be productive and responsible. Go in, do little and collect big paychecks and benifits. To them the money is endless, they have never had to produce anything for it. And don't get me started on the 20 million dollar hollywood phonies that want me to pay higher taxes to fund entiltement programs.

  9. Too much Obama kool aide for 2:20.
    You know you can't drink that stuff and post rationally.
    Ellen is the problem, certainly not any solution to anything.

  10. Ellen is actually pretty good at donating. She gives away tons of stuff every single day on her show....usually to someone who needs it.

  11. SHE does not give it away on her show, you moron. the business who dontated the gift is giving it away through her. She is a marketing and tax deduction for that business. jeez, this is why america is in the hole that it is in, this is why you elect morons who have run it into the ground, because your so STUPID.

  12. Does whoever put this up realize how many jobs are made or maintained because Ellen Degeneres is a celebrity? Video techs, hair dressers, producers, attorneys, accountants, make up artists, studio ushers, etc. Many of these jobs pay much better than their "businessman" counterparts.

    As for Degeneres personally, she just supplied hundreds of military daughters with free prom gowns, gives scholarships and bunch more.

    But now, for the rest of the logic. All you bashing celebrities, stop going to movies, stop renting movies, stop watching tv, don't buy any music and never watch or pay to see another sports game. Because if you do, you are contributing to those celebrity pockets you are complaining about.

    However, even with all that, I will say celebrities get more money than is believable, but the market drives that...and you are part of that market.

  13. Totally agree with the last post about all the jobs created to support Ellen's show and all like it. Let's also not forget all the jobs making the products that are successfully advertised on her show. People can be very narrow minded and only see what they want to see. Like it or not, the "entertainment" industry is a huge part of our economy. If you don't like it, throw away your TV, radio, iPod, magazines, etc.

  14. What Ellen gives away is provided to her by the network to help promote their and her label.


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