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Monday, June 25, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 6-25-12

This story is disturbing on many levels.

I was at Wal-Mart, Saturday 6/24 around 5. Someone left their dog in their suv, in the sun, with the windows cracked. My car was registering 90 degrees outside. I asked the cart person if Wal-Mart assists in this type of situation and he said go in the store and ask. I went to Wal-Mart customer service and asked if they intercede. They told me I had to call the Salisbury PD on the non emergency number. So I asked them what it was, and they said they do not have it and would not look it up. I had to call 911.

Wal-Mart's policy seems to be if an employee see an animal potentially dying, lock in the car in the sun, do not do anything, just walk away.
And if a customer asks for assistance, play stupid and do not assist.
If their policy is to call the non emergency number then they should have it available to give to customer.

The pet owners actions speak for them.
I was dealing with the situation for at least 20 minutes from the time I saw the dog, to walking in and out of the store, to calling the police to the time they arrived (which was in 6 minutes.. thank you guys!). I do not know how long he had been there before I arrived.

Wal-Mart and the pet owner, showed an appalling level of ignorance. I don't mind doing the dirty work, but the least Wal-Mart could do is give me the tools to do it.


  1. Yeah...Good luck with that one. Walmart sucks and won't do anything to help. They don't care about that stuff and they don't care about their customers or employees. But kudos to you for stepping in.

  2. Can't say anything for walmart but God Bless YOU, you did the right thing....

  3. sounds like a Muir Boada responce.

  4. Perhaps Joe could publish the local PD's non-emergency phone numbers. They would be good to have in our cell phones.

  5. If you want an attempt at customer service, go to Target. If you want satisfactory customer service go to Macy's.
    Walmart specializes in cheap. Including labor.
    Why expect anything more.

  6. Non emergency number is 410-548-3165. I would have just called 911 because to me it is. Thank you for helping the poor things.

  7. Kudos to the letter writer for efforts made.

    As for those who bash Wal Mart (sure I'll drive or walk over to Macy's to report a dog in a car at Wal Mart - real smart action there) I find it interesting that they seem to have been affected the least by the ObamaRecession. As for treating employees badly, must be lotsa folks wanting to be treated badly; 1500 applied DAY ONE for the 300 openings in the store in Onley, and, not only do you never see ads for openings, you never see a shortage of employees in any of the stores.

  8. if the world wasnt so sue happy, i could justify being mad at walmart. unfortunately, if walmart takes ANY sides on ANY situation, they potentially lose billions of dollars.

    cant blame them.

  9. i've always been a "walmart basher". I hate how they underpay and overwork all employees, but this isn't their problem.

  10. It wouldn't be taking sides as 2:38 put it. It is called reporting a crime. Animal neglect and cruelty are crimes. When the weather is above 70 degrees it is illegal to leave an animal in a vehicle. I would have called 911 as it is an emergency and at 90 degrees outside the car was at least 120 degrees and the dog could have had a heat stroke and died very quickly. I don't understand people. If it's too hot for them to sit in their car with the windows cracked why do they think its ok for an animal. It's summer folks please leave your pets at home.

  11. 230-A lot of people apply at McDonald's as well. Doesn't make them a good employer. Wally World sucks, and always has. I avoid the place like the plague.

  12. 2:50
    I don't think I have ever seen an overworked employee in there. It takes forever to find someone if you need help and most of the time they won't bother to even go look for something.

  13. thank you for doing what YOU did.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    i've always been a "walmart basher". I hate how they underpay and overwork all employees, but this isn't their problem.

    June 25, 2012 2:50 PM"

    It's estimated that ONE 200 employee Walmart store costs the federal government approx $400,000
    in low income assistance programs.
    A few years ago CA did a study and determined that Walmart cost that state alone 86 million dollars in government entitlements paid out to the low paid employees of Walmart.

  15. Why would you blame Wal-Mart.
    Your not smart enough to do what is needed? Because of your lack of being able to call someone all by yourself, it is their fault? Grow up and act like you have a brain in your head.
    If it were an adult, would you take the time to go ask stupid questions? I hope I am never in need and your the only one around.
    You may not agree but you are part of the problem. If you would have stopped right there and called someone, the dog would have been much better off much sooner.
    I bet your the type of persn that never accepts blame for anything and is always blaming everyone in your life for your life struggles.
    Sorry about the brutal honesty but someone in your life has failed you.

  16. 4:42 - Imagine the cost if they had no job (or goverments weren't so anxious to give your money away}.

  17. I leave my dog in the car all the time. It has a great a/c and the dog never complained. Since you never mentioned whether the dog was in duress or not, I assume that it was not. Considering this, what was your point?

  18. Anon 5:41 PM

    Where did you get a car that has A/C that runs while the car is turned off. Guess you will sue the car manufacture when your dog dies from a heat stroke because the A/C didn't keep him cool while you were in the air conditioned store spending your hard earned food stamp.... What an idiot...

  19. Where did you get a car that has A/C that runs while the car is turned off. Guess you will sue the car manufacture when your dog dies from a heat stroke because the A/C didn't keep him cool while you were in the air conditioned store spending your hard earned food stamp.... What an idiot...

    June 25, 2012 7:50 PM

    lol what an idiot is right. You just pointing the finger at the wrong idiot.

    Unless you were sitting in front of a mirror, then you got it right.

  20. Mind your own business! Its a DOG!

  21. Walmart saves my family alot of money cry about something else LIBERAL!

  22. 5:23 thank you for the free psychological advice, but please keep your day job (must be a walmart employee). Your ignorance speaks volumes. Try reading the whole article next time. There is much more to it than the limited amount you took away from it. Your concept of brutal honesty is nothing but idiotic garbage. I do not see where anyone was blamed for anything. The writer was simply commenting on a walmart policy that is further reaching than that one situation.

  23. thanks for stepping in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have always wondered what I'd do in a case where I would have seen a dog locked in a car for a matter of over 10 min. ---I do believe I would break the window out to save the dog!!! ( that is if no one came to help in a few min. ) My gosh this law needs changing as it can take sooo long for help to arrive for the animal!!!!! A s it's stated they can die in just a few minutes.

  24. I want to tank the person that tokk the time to help this dog, people are so stupid when it comes to leaving their pets in the car when it is hot and as for walmarts and the people that made comments in their favor well there are alot of employees ones that are to lazy to look for something else because walmarts does under pay their emplyees and they DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT have good customer servixce I do not care what anyone says....the person that took up and helped this dog needs an award and a blessing as I am sure they will get, from me to the person that helped Thanks you and GOD BLESS!!!

  25. You break my window and take my dog you might get bit! And I would laugh LIBERAL!


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