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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 6-20-12

Growing by Grace Deliverance Ministries rented the property located at 124 Wilson Street, Salisbury, MD, effective January 1st 2012. We rented the property with the intent to make it a place of worship and community outreach. With the understanding that the property was zoned for a church, we began to have services in April in the building. Now I must admit, we did not get a permit to occupy the building because it was our intent to have services and renovate at the same time. I now know that we couldn’t do that. We had a total of four services before we were asked to leave the building. Not that we were trying to do something illegal, but our problems began after we started having services in the building.

Even though we are not in Newtown, it was the complaints from the Newtown residents of the noise on Sundays that bought the attention that lead to us being asked to leave. Because of their complaints the police was dispatched to our address three different Sundays, in which they stated that the music was not too loud. I repeat they said it was not too loud. It was then stated by one of the officers that some of the ones complaining are friends with the mayor. I will not share his name. Not long after that we were asked to leave the building and not hold any more services until we had an occupancy permit. Well since then we have done what was asked of us and hired an architect and a licensed contractor. But that wasn’t good enough for them they just don’t want us there. The problem they are giving us now is parking.

They say we need parking spaces for at least 86 cars, which will accommodate 258 people. We don’t have the space on the property, but with the use of the street we do. In fact, the businesses on that street use it for parking now. The street is undeveloped and cannot be developed because of the railroad tracks. Also there is not one ‘no parking’ sign on the street. I heard bill Holland say the street could be used for parking, but they don’t want to approve it for us. It’s no doubt in my mind they want us out even though us being there will be a plus for the community.

It’s a church for heaven sakes. I don’t know if you can help or not but we have a right to be there and I plan to fight for that right, even if I have to ask other Spiritual leaders and community members to get involved. We are only parking there twice a week for the most part.

I don’t understand how people complain about the state of our community but choose to be part of the problem.

Apostle Chappelle Stanford Sr


  1. Some people don't like churches. I for one don't like religion in general. To me, it is something that weak-minded people use to feel like there is something worth looking forward to. You're not listening to what the problem is. People don't want you there.

  2. Bunch of Liberal Cry Babies are trying to push out good christians. Sad state of affairs. Call it a Mosque and it will probably go through.

  3. How can they rent you a place that is zoned as a church but there not be enough parking.

  4. @2:16 fair enough...but if not I pray for you.

  5. Apostle? Really??

  6. It was a sign shop for the last 20-30 years. Before that it was an electric motor shop. I worked there 5-6 days a week for 6 of those years. EVERYONE parked on the street and there was never an issue. We always had loud equipment and whatnot going on even on Saturdays during the busy season and not one complaint that I recall. The main problem we had was with the historical society. How they can claim that building was of historical signifigants is beyond me. It is a steel building that has no history other than commercial business. I had the option of buying the building at one point and told the owner he could not give me the building. Between the hookers and drug dealers in the area there was no way I would stay there. I guess your neighbors are telling you they like the drugs and prostitutes more than your church. We never worked on Sunday and there is probably where your problem lies.

  7. If your music is as loud as the church that was in the fruitland food lion shopping center its no wonder people are complaining. When that church was in session you could not even think inside the dollar store that was right next to it. I don't know how the poor clercks there put up with it as long as they did. If the govt. would go ahead and tax all these off the wall "churches" most would not exist anyway. Never seen so many back hole churches in my life till the last few years, and they will move into any rat hole. This building proves it. SMH


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