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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Joan Rivers to Obama: Don't Redistribute My Hard-Earned Cash

President Barack Obama has virtually every celebrity in his corner - including the nation's surrogate grandmother, Betty White.

But the tireless Joan Rivers, out promoting her latest book, didn't sign on for Obama's soak the rich policy solutions.

Rivers, following the path blazed by fellow comic Jon Lovitz, isn't too keen on the government taking more of her hard-earned cash.



  1. this is one of the differences between a liberal and a conservative. i don't have near the assets, income or wealth she has, but i completely agree with her. many libs would be envious of her wealth and agree with the current regiem on re-distribution.

  2. That witch should go waste more money on her face. Talk about waste of money!

  3. Why is that a waste of money, 5:29? When someone has plastic surgery they are helping keep people employed. The doctors employ office staff and other's to help around the office such as cleaning crew and groundskeepers. All the ripple effect such as the office staff buying lunch close by the office...not a waste of money at all.
    A much better way of redistibuting the wealth instead of obamas definiton of it.

  4. At least she got something for her investment.
    When we invest in social welfare we get nothing but a bunch of lazy porch sitters waiting for the next govmint check.
    Obama enables laziness and stupidity. Rewards it even.

  5. Its her money to do as she pleases.

  6. Please cut your face up some more, it already looks like a baseball glove. Only a woman could rationalize 10000 plastic surgeries as good for the economy.

  7. Doctors are small business, 10:23.
    Any no matter their specialty, help contribute to the economy.
    That my friend, doesn't take a brain surgeon to understand.


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