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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jimmy Carter the Latest to Bury Obama - Who's Next?

Powerful and courageous Op-Ed in the NY Times by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Although he doesn’t mention Obama by name the implication is clear. I really think the only way anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together can still support our bankster Puppet in Chief and murderer of American citizens, Barack Obama, is due to an incapacity to mentally accept that he is as bad as if not worse than George W. Bush (at least he was a thug to your face).

Key quotes:
Recent legislation has made legal the president’s right to detain a person indefinitely on suspicion of affiliation with terrorist organizations or “associated forces,” a broad, vague power that can be abused without meaningful oversight from the courts or Congress (the law is currently being blocked by a federal judge). This law violates the right to freedom of expression and to be presumed innocent until proved guilty, two other rights enshrined in the declaration.

In addition to American citizens’ being targeted for assassination or indefinite detention, recent laws have canceled the restraints in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to allow unprecedented violations of our rights to privacy through warrantless wiretapping and government mining of our electronic communications. Popular state laws permit detaining individuals because of their appearance, where they worship or with whom they associate.



  1. Guess he's probably conceded that he's lost the title of the worst President ever. Biggest difference was under Carter interest rates were >20%, under Barack almost zero. Says Carter just had a big bunch of bad ideas; Barack a bigger bunch of dangerous actions.

  2. It just takes a little longer for any democrat to realize obama is against ther U.S.. However most democrats will never admit they have been scammed. The pide piper has led them into hell.

  3. Did anyone else notice that this Op-Ed is not getting a lot of press coverage?

    The media is so corrupt in their defense of Obama it is Disgusting with a capital D.

    Just imagine if Carter had written this when Bush were President. You wouldn't have been able to turn on the TV without hearing about it.

  4. I have recently come across some folks that drank the Obama Kool-Aid. I still can not wrap my head around how ANYONE can still believe this jokester!!

  5. I just wonder how much money obamie has printed and gave to most of the MSM. It's obvious that he has done something to keep these idiots quiet.

  6. when Jimmy Carter is against Obama, the world is coming to an end. For that worthless peace of crap to think Obama is bad, says A LOT!

  7. 9:40 I think Obama would have been awesome playing the Joker in the Batman movies.


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