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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

‘It’s My Gun’: Minn. Man Beaten, Arrested for Reportedly Carrying Handgun… Despite Having Concealed Carry Permit

A Minneapolis man says he suffered a concussion after receiving a beating from five police officers who attacked him after they noticed he was carrying a gun in his waist band, WCCO-TV in Minnesota reports.

The problem is, Zachary King has a concealed carry permit to lawfully carry the firearm. He argues police still attacked him anyway as he was leaving a local nightclub on Father’s Day night even after he told them he was carrying the permit.

“’I have my conceal and carry, and it’s my gun.’ And soon as I said that he grabbed me by my neck, slammed me against the wall, snatched my gun out the holster, started waving it in the air saying ‘gun, gun, gun,’” King said.



  1. POLICE STATE they believe they are the supreme authority and only they can carry guns!Same thing could also happen here in Maryland.

  2. 1116: you're a dummy

  3. Explain yourself 5:09am you are the one that is dumb or should we say IGNORANT!

  4. 5:09
    How so?

    The man was lawfully carrying a constitutionaly protested firearm. the man was not commiting any crimes. The man was confronted, attacked, beaten and arrested by the thug cops.
    What part of that isn't a police state tactic?

  5. It is Obama's Country and they plan to disarm the population; tried but failed with Fast and Furious.

  6. Having a gun in your waistband and at a nightclub is a bad mix.

  7. 11:34 But its ok for lawless cops?
    More of these lawless rogue cops need to be eliminated from society.
    They do no one justice. Least of all the decent cops, which are few and far between anymore.


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