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Monday, June 18, 2012

If Republicans Are Smart…

It seems as though the last month has been a gift to Republicans, particularly the Romney campaign. President Obama has committed gaffe after gaffe, and every new economic indicator is yet another pebble on the scale now fully tipped against him.

Now he’s decided the key to stimulating the economy isn’t to lower the burden of government but to grant proxy amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens, thereby adding them to the ever-growing list of job seekers. That means more people looking for jobs that aren’t there. It’s as though he watched the Republican primary, felt badly the party wasn’t united and decided to help.

You can’t look at President Obama’s handling of the economy without thinking destruction is his ultimate goal. But if this alone wasn’t motivation enough, granting permanent residency to people he called Americans “for all intents and purposes” could be used to unite actual Americans – those here by birth or legal choice – against him.

All the stars are aligned for a strong Republican victory across the board in November. But if there’s one thing Republicans are good at it’s snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.



  1. Yea, Romney looked real presidential dancing around immigration Sunday. Fool

  2. 850-Obama has danced around that subject the last 3.5 years.

  3. a president can't do anything about the illegal immigrant situation we have in this nation. obama is trying to lead by fiat and make decrees illegally and it just won't work. this is the job for congress and nothing is going to happen until next year. NO ONE will obey the current faux president and he knows it.

    romney on the other hand realizes all of the above and more. unlike the consumate idiot (8:50) who posts giberish.

  4. The only thing I'm worried about is that each time Romney is going to point out the stupid, dumm, and illegal things Osama, I mean Obama has done, he will be labled a "Raceist" by the Media. You can't tell the truth about a Black person in the news. Just look at the Trayvon Martin s%^t, the law is very clear, yet the media pushed till they got their way and now just wait and see, next year when he is aquited, the blacks will use it as an excuse to burn and loot the town!

  5. Anon 8:47am

    Well since you are still replaying the same old Osama/Obama "mix up" I have to watch what you say also.


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