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Thursday, June 07, 2012

High Incarceration Rates Punish Taxpayers As Well, Panelists Say

Law enforcement, policymakers and justice advocates said Monday that excessive incarceration of blacks and other people of color is not only a moral injustice but doesn’t make economic sense for taxpayers. The Maryland State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights met in Annapolis to hear testimony on the disproportionate number of blacks incarcerated in Maryland and across the nation and its associated costs.

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  1. Liberals are just stupid. Lets let all the prisoner out that are not white so they can go back to terrorizing the neighborhoods. Great idea. How about be start killing a few more on death row? That will save the tax payers some money,nd maybe make some of these people think twice before becoming criminals.

  2. Anybody ever asked why the recidivism rate for the Wicomico County Detention Center is hovering around the 80% mark and has done so for many years? Could it be that it's just to comfortable and the adminisrtation's mentality is to make the criminals' stay "pleasant"? This is not a "true" department of correction as it does absolutely nothing to deter future crime in our county. A tough jail cannot be run by liberals and social workers. Make their stay miserable but not inhumane. Maybe we need to look at Maricopa County Arizona for guidance.

  3. 12:14, I beg to differ since most of them are animals we should make it as inhumane as possible! Maybe then they'll make it a point to never want to go back!

  4. Have any of you ever had a stay at WCDC or know anyone that had to stay at WCDC. If not, keep your ignorant comments to yourself because you don't know what you're talking about. Go have a free meal that cost thirty cents, and sleep on a metal frame, have no contact with your loved ones, and then tell me your stay is pleasant. Ninety percent of Salisbury's jail population are drug addicts. Jail does not rehabilitate a person with an addiction problem, and if you do your homework, most rehabilitation centers have a high turnover rate as well. While some of the crimes are definitely considered punishable, most the time that case is rare in this county, and if the crime truly was one where the person was considered a true threat to someone, they do not reside at the area detention, not for any period of time outside of waiting to appear in court. If all drugs were legalized, the jail would be empty and have to be closed and half of Salisbury's downtown would be out of jobs and I wouldn't want to see the court brief section for the excuses to keep the jail open.

  5. 2:59 It sounds like your address has been WCDC. We are ignorant I say take a look at yourself. If you don't want to do time then don't do the crime.

  6. 2:59. Stop making excuses for crime. Those of us that are honest hard working tax payers are fed up with the coddle the criminal mentality that does, for a fact, exist at the Wicomico County Detention Center. There is no such thing as a rare crime. Crime is crime and criminals are a drain on our society, period. Get tough for a change and make it so miserable that people will think twice before committing more crime. Let's become a real department of correction.


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