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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Health Care Countdown: Who Wins, Loses _ Pays?

It seems as if the entire nation is holding its breath for the Supreme Court's health care ruling _ the presidential candidates, governors of virtually every state, insurers with billions at stake, companies large and small and countless millions of Americans concerned about their own medical care and how they'll pay for it.

Still, Thursday's expected ruling almost certainly will not be the last word on the nation's tangled efforts to address health care woes. The problems of high medical costs, widespread waste and tens of millions of people without insurance will require Congress and the president to keep looking for answers, whether or not President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act passes the test of constitutionality.
A look at potential outcomes:



  1. Who cares. Even if the courts, you know the "constitutional experts" who form the judicial system that meant to balance the other two branches, rule that the mandate is constitutional, you clowns will still scream about "Obama the socialist".

  2. once again the taxpayers will carry the burden of the millions of 'freeloaders' in this country. how sad that so many of never heard 'no work, no food' which should also inclue 'no benefits of any kind'.


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