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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Governor Markell Issues Statement On Supreme Court's Affordable Care Act Ruling

“The President deserves credit for being willing to tackle a status quo of rapidly rising costs and shrinking coverage. The decision allows our state and nation to move past the uncertainty months of deliberations have caused and move forward to address critical health care issues facing the state and nation.



  1. Markell and O'Malley will both be eating their words in 2015. Costs will sky rocket.You can expect your insurance premiums to double or worse. Those who can't afford coverage now won't be able to afford it later. And Obama promised no new taxes on the middle and lower class of wage earners. Now we have a new tax put on us by a judicial branch of the Government that has no right to impose under the Constitution.

  2. Anon: 9:18am

    Not that I believe in any of that tax malarky that's been going around

    But Congress does have the power and that's what they did. It wasn't the judicial branch.

  3. The highest tax on the middle class at the worst time in history.

  4. 10:51 The law came out of Congress the legislative branch as a fine or penalty if a person does not have health care coverage. The Court just called it a tax.

  5. The Dems may have called it a fine or penalty but the IRS will collect it. Sounds like a tax to me.


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