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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good Question

Joe, My question for you is, Why did you call CouncilWoman Campbell regarding Ireton's call to you. Many of us don't get it!

anonymous 3:55, I'd be more than happy to answer that question for you. When I spoke with JIM that Saturday night it was pretty obvious he was pretty depressed. When Jim didn't return my calls or text messages, (as he always has in the past) I grew concerned for his well being. I called Debbie Campbell to get Jim's address so I could drive by and check up on him. After explaining to Debbie what had happened she felt it would be best to ask the Police Chief to go by or send someone by to check up on him.

The decision was an honorable one out of true concern. Look, Jim could have easily replied, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT JOE, HE DID NOT. Some have tried to turn our good intentions around and that's unfortunate. Nevertheless, what else do they have to say. Jim screwed up, period.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, I thought it was a prank call that happened to you on that night and they closed the investigation against you? It was actually the mayor who did it? And the guy they claim did it is the fall guy?


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