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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

George Zimmerman's Wife Charged With Perjury

The wife of Trayvon Martin's shooter was charged with perjury Tuesday, accused of lying when she told a judge that the couple had limited funds during a hearing that resulted in her husband being released on $150,000 bond.

Shellie Zimmerman, 25, was released on $1,000 bond on the third-degree felony that is punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. George Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder in the teen's slaying and had been out on bond after the April 20 hearing. However, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester on June 1 revoked the bond and ordered Zimmerman returned to the Seminole County Jail. In a strongly worded ruling, Lester said the Zimmermans lied about how much money they had.



  1. I fail to understand why this is an issue. It is none of the courts business how much money they have.
    I'm sure Trayvons parents have captured plenty from most sympathizers. That's all this was about anyway.
    If you have studied Trayvons reputation and history , the parents knew this would happen sooner or later.

  2. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."8:31AM, I suggest that you contact Judge Kenneth Lester and tell him that it is none of the court"s business.

  3. "If you have studied Trayvons reputation and history , the parents knew this would happen sooner or later."

    What a phenomenally ignorant thing to say. If you're a parent, I hope your kids turned out well in spite of your poor parenting.

  4. Oh what a mess in these Divided States of A-Merry-Ca.

  5. It makes a difference as to how much his bond should be and how much he could afford.

  6. The racist Obama/Holder DOJ media machine is going to harass and impune the Zimmermans every way the possibly can in the court of mislead public opinion.
    They still use 4 year old pictures to misrepresent Trayvon the thug as a cuddly little 13 year old.

    Why should you claim pledges for your defense from a website as income? Even when you have no idea how much will turn in to cash...

  7. Most parents love their kids to the wire. How can you presume to know what Trayvon's parents "knew"?

  8. O'Mara alledges(sp) the Zimmermans were mistrustful,fearful and confused when they "mispoke" about their finances. They appeared quite clear and oriented when they were counting the money and transferring it to various family accounts. Even his sister got part of the action.

  9. "Why should you claim pledges for your defense from a website as income?" Pledges were not transferred into various accounts. It was money. Educate yourself. Watch the IRS get a piece of the action.

  10. What is the definition of Limited. Sounds totally questionable as to what limited means to one person versus the other. This is a witch hunt. I'll be glad when this is in court and goes public. They are going to find that Martin was a drug abusing, drug dealing little thug and that he was beating the crap out of Zimmerman when he got what he deserved.

  11. The Zimmerman's are now a target of the justice department it makes no difference if they are law abiding citizens or not.

  12. Yes, there really is a reason why racism is now classified as a mental illness by health care pofessionals.

  13. "Anonymous said...
    "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."8:31AM, I suggest that you contact Judge Kenneth Lester and tell him that it is none of the court"s business.

    June 13, 2012 8:42 AM"

    Rule of Law #1, 8:42. Never ever assume a judge actually knows the law. Any first rate lawyer will tell you that. Why do you think they are judges to begin with? They couldn't make a go of it in private practice most of the time.

  14. The judge is wrong. The funds are limited and limited by the fact that they were solicted donations to be used for her husband's defense-not bond. Limited means more than an amount.
    And besides good luck proving that she was even aware of how much money was donated.
    If in fact this does go to a jury they will see right through it as they did in Casey Anthony.

  15. Desperate attempt by a biased prosecutor to force a plea bargain.

  16. 3:51. What do you mean they will see right through this like Casey Anthony. They should have convicted her that was a total miscarriage of justice.


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