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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Florida Gov. Rick Scott Will Push Ahead With Rigging The November Election

Florida Governor Rick Scott has until today to determine whether or not he will comply with the law and stop illegally purging Democratic voters from the voting rolls. And based on statements made to the Miami Herald by a spokesman with the Florida Secretary of State's office – Governor Scott will push full-steam ahead with rigging the election in advance of November. The Herald reports that the state of Florida "disagrees with the federal government and doesn't plan to throw in the towel." But if Governor Scott does intend to continue with his illegal voter purge – then he has a lot of work to do to overcome a rebellion by his own local elections officials. All 67 county election supervisors in Florida have suspended Scott's purge because of how flaky Scott's purge lists are.

Cap and trade works! Back in 2008 – nine states in the Northeast joined together to create a cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions. And after three years – the results are in – showing a resounding success. The states that took part in the "Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative" cut CO2 emission by 23% in three years – and electricity consumption also went down. Conservatives, bought out by the fossil fuel industry, warned that cap-and-trade would kill economic growth and stick consumers with high energy bills. That didn't happen though. Instead – as the Analysis Group found – the cap and trade system spurred $1.6 billion in new value to the state economies, consumers saved $1.1 billion on energy costs, and 16,000 new jobs were created. Back in 2009 – Democrats in Congress passed a national cap-and-trade plan to reduce carbon emissions – but Republicans in the Senate filibustered it. Given the results from the Northeast today – I'd say it's time to bring back this legislation for the sake of not just our environment – but our economy, too.


  1. What? Cap and Trade - purging election records - Florida - Congress - Is your brain muddled Joe, mine is

  2. "Cap & Trade" does not work and purging inactive voters from the polls is not illegal. Every state does it regularly according to each state's laws.

  3. my,my,my; who would have known? the thought of purging the voter rolls of dead and illegals and others not qualified to vote just goes beyond the pale. it's outrageous to think we could have a truly legal, clean election cycle. so hard for me to wrap my head around this. the nerve of gov. rick scott is shocking.

    long live common sense...

  4. The artcle should state that the governor is UN-RIGGING the election that dumbocrats have been cheating at for years

  5. Acorn counting fictional and dead people is ok with dems

  6. WHy do you post such blatant progressive liberal Democrat propaganda? It is ridiculous.

  7. Really!! How HORRIBLE that dead people can't vote in Florida!! What about equality??!? Unbelievable!!! LOL


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