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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fines for Swearing in Public in Massachusetts Town

Town meeting took longer to pass a $20 cussing fine Monday night than it did to pass a $72 million budget.

The budget passed without an argument, but the fines for cussing, smoking pot in public and shoveling snow in the street drew lengthy debate from the 297 residents who attended town meeting under the glare of a pack of television news cameras.

Although James Thomas motioned to take the cussing article out of order for the convenience of the media, residents shot the move down after former Selectman Lincoln D. Andrews said, “I don’t believe our town meeting should be dictated by the press cycle.”


1 comment:

  1. Everything in Salisbury under Ireton is done by the press cycle. Time for that reporter girl to jump up out of her seat and run after her beloved master.


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