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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Feds and Florida Headed to Court Over Voter Purge

The administration of Florida Gov. Rick Scott is headed to a legal showdown with two different federal agencies over a contentious voter purge.

Florida filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Washington D.C., demanding that the state be given the right to check the names of its registered voters against an immigration database maintained by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The lawsuit came the same day that the U.S. Department of Justice announced its plan to ask a federal court to block the state from pushing ahead with removing potential non-U.S. citizens from the voter rolls. Authorities contend that the state's effort violates federal voting laws.



  1. Hear, hear! Put it out in every state. Why would anyone not want to have this happen? Every voter needs to be verified, and the dead ones removed from the list. It's just common sense! Let it happen in all states before November!

  2. they already found over 50,000 dead people on them...they should cross reference the ones registered in NY too

  3. libs will do anything to get an extra "illegal" vote. they've been doing this for many years and not enough outcry from "we the people".

    no voter I.D. is required in wicomico county. i didn't check anywhere else. shouldn't we do something about this?

  4. Ywa! Clear all the dead, illegals and those who don't have voter rights. Romney wins in a landslide!

  5. Our Florida Governor Scott is just trying to uphold the laws. How can our Justice Dept. find fault with that?

  6. " Hi, I'm Jimmy Ireton, I live at..."
    "Here's your ballot sir".

    (go early)


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