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Monday, June 25, 2012

Fed-up Christians Go To War Against Food Giant

A Christian ministry has launched a boycott targeting the Green Giant brand name of canned vegetables because of General Mills’ advocacy for homosexual marriage.

WND recently reported the Minnesota food giant whose Honey Nut Cheerios Bee, Lucky the Leprechaun and Trix Rabbit are familiar to children is now publicly supporting homosexual marriage.

General Mills CEO Ken Powell announced at a homosexual pride event his company opposes a proposed amendment Minnesotans will vote on in November that protects traditional marriage.



  1. In this day and age, if you have a problem with anyone else's personal freedoms then you need to get somewhere. People should be allowed to be as gay as they want.

  2. 2:44 yeah that includes religious freedom too! People should be allowed to be as Christian, Jewish etc....as they want.

  3. they can be as gay as they want...just dont pervert the word marriage when you do it.

  4. 2:44 they have a right to their opinion also something you forget.

  5. Ah, just what I need as a Christian: some nutjob from my faith making us look like morons.

  6. 2:44 my sentiments exactly. Why anyone cares who marries who I dont know. Marriage means the unification of two people.

  7. 3:47, your definition is wrong. marriage is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as in husband and wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

    since marriage was ordained from the beginning by God and recognized as Holy Matrimony, and the purpose is to pro-create; having a relationship with the same sex is not acceptable to God and of course those who follow God's way. 98% of ALL cultures shun, find unacceptable and actually kill people who live in a same sex situation. of course we don't kill people who do this, but the majority still find it unacceptable as a legitimate lifestyle. yes; we have a right to our opinions as well. after all they are well grounded and founded in our faith. does this mean we "hate" those who live this way or don't agree with us? NO, because you are allowed your opinions as well, but it doesn't mean we have to embrace your lifestyle. i hope this is very clear.

  8. 4:26,
    Sorry, you are no longer in the majority in any poll taken in the US. You are clearly in the minority. So you still want to go with "majority rule" now that you are in the minority, or do you just want to continue to be on the wrong side of history?
    Nobody is asking you to embrace anything. Nobody is forcing you or your church to marry anyone they do not want to. What you are doing is preventing churches the freedom to marry whoever they would like to marry. So when you start talking about shrinking religious freedom, be clear that it is your side that is preventing churches who believe in gay marriage from following their conscience. Your side is anti-freedom, religious and otherwise. let's be clear about that.

  9. Why was religion brought into this discussion? We are a secular country

  10. 4:42, NEVER stated a church couldn't embrace the "gay" lifestyle and all they believe. just stated ALL have their beliefs and opinions. the expression started at least 30 plus years ago was "we're here, we're queer, get used to it". even back then the "gays" wanted us to embrace and accept their lifestyle. well, this went against our faith and the faith of many other religions and cultures and we weren't going to agree with this.

    i realize many have since "compromised" thanks to the liberal educational system and the liberal news media and especially perverted hollywood. but that does not mean everyone has to agree. and again; we don't hate the "gay" people, just the "gay" lifestyle. we don't hate people...

  11. 8:28 its not "compromise" thanks to any kind of liberal indoctrination from the powers that be. Im under 30 (barely) and my generation has grown up accepting all people as equal no matter who they are attracted to. I've grown up with gay relatives and friends who are morally great people and productive members of society and they Damn sure deserve equal rights by law.


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