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Monday, June 25, 2012

Exclusive Update: NC Student Who Videotaped Pro-Obama Screaming Teacher Faces Harassment

Remember one month ago, when a high-school junior in the Rowan-Salisbury school district in North Carolina videotaped his teacher yelling at another student that he was being disrespectful for criticizing Barack Obama and that his behavior was a criminal offense?

The young man who did the videotaping had a hellish time finishing the school year. In an interview with Breitbart News, the young man’s sister described the ensuing weeks after the videotape. She said that some of the other students have said they are out to get the young man; the teacher, Tanya Dixon-Neely, has relatives who are students in the school. The young man’s family, fearing for his safety, requested for the young man to finish the last three weeks of school at home, but the school refused. Instead, the school offered for the young man to come to school after the other students were already in class, be secluded from other students during the school day and leave before school ended.

According to the videotaper’s sister, not only did the school authorities reject the appeal for home-schooling, they gave him a suspension on his school record for videotaping in the classroom -- the first suspension ever issued for such an action, despite the fact that other students have also videotaped on school grounds.



  1. I could hear what I thought was the teacher in the background.
    At most she has a 6th grade education and needs to learn english rather than Swaheli.

  2. again, it's only okay if to do such things if you are a liberal

  3. thats what happens when you go against the Mob!

  4. another stellar example of the public school system and the cronies that are in administration

  5. Whistleblowers have a tough row to hoe in this country.


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