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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We are a stronger country when we expand opportunity to greater numbers of people, rather than fewer. That's why I signed the DREAM Act here in Maryland, and now with President Obama's bold leadership, we have new momentum as we seek to become the first state in America to successfully defend DREAM legislation at the ballot box.

But we can't win this campaign alone. To help me and President Obama defend the Maryland DREAM Act, please consider a contribution of $100, $50, $25 or $10 today.

The Maryland DREAM Act says that students can be eligible for in-state tuition, regardless of their parents' immigration status, provided they pay in-state taxes, graduate from a Maryland high school and commit to legalizing their status as soon as they are eligible. Students who pay state income taxes -- and only students who pay state taxes -- are eligible for in-state tuition.

Thank you,
Martin O’Malley


  1. This is surely a joke, right? He can't be serious. Obama's bold leadership? You mean kicking the Constitution square in the butt. Give me a break. If you voted for Obama in 08 to prove you're not a racist, vote for someone else in 12 to prove you're not an idiot".

  2. I agree with the Governor and the President. wow!

  3. You are an IDIOT 11:14


  5. Why in the face of as much adversity as this country may have ever seen would we cut breaks for those causing problems and only add to the problmes of hard working LEGAL citizens regaurldess of race or ethnicity? How does this make any sense what so ever?

  6. What about all the kids born right here in THIS country that can't afford in state tuition? I'm sorry, illegal is illegal. That means NO PERKS!!!!

  7. O'Malley is another crazy idiot!!!

  8. I agree with 11:17; 11:14 is an unemployed idiot

  9. america is falling to pieces.
    immigrants and jail-birds get better treatment than the law-abiding, legal citizens.

  10. Oblamey and Omumu need to get out in their bikinis and wash some damn cars if they want more money!

  11. OMalley and Obama...go *^%$ yourselves and leave our country alone. You've already done enough damage.

  12. This guy is repulsive. I hope you Democrats are proud of the filth that you've put in office. Please, next election, just stay the hell home if you can't vote for anyone but the trash with the little 'D' by their name.


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