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Saturday, June 09, 2012

Department of Justice Names Two Special Prosecutors in Leak Case

Apparently the pre-emptive statements by the Department of Justice that they would not be doing probes into the recent leaks of sensitive national security information were premature. Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that he would be appointing not one, but two special prosecutors to lead probes into the leaks. Politico reports:

Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday named two federal prosecutors to oversee investigations into leaks of classified information that have roiled Congress and led to calls for a special prosecutor.

His decision came hours after President Barack Obama denounced the notion that the White House was engaging in politically motivated leaks and declared that he had “zero tolerance” for such national security breaches.

Holder tapped U.S. attorney for Washington, D.C,. Ronald Machen and U.S. attorney for Maryland Rod Rosenstein to head up the probes.



  1. And why would we be allowing Eric Holder to name special prosecutors that work for him when he is the one being questioned?? Someone else (and I don't know who) should be investigating Holder and his department. Geez, things just seem to get worse for our country under the Obama administration.

  2. lol What a load of crap. I'm sure the Obama administration will be just as diligent as previous administrations in covering their collective behinds.

  3. Like asking the Wolf to watch the HEN house.

  4. I know the answer. It's all Bushe's fault.

  5. The answer is stop bitching, vote, and get every last person you know to vote in order to purge EVERY last politician you know from Salisbury to Ocean City.

    Won't stop until you do.


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