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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Congressional Black Caucus Plans Walkout During Holder Contempt Vote

The Congressional Black Caucus plans to walk out of the House tomorrow when the contempt-of-Congress vote on Attorney General Eric Holder is taken. Apparently, they have scheduled a meeting at 10 a.m. to discuss the walkout and urge other Democrats to join them. Holder, the first black attorney general, has not released documents relating to the Fast and Furious debacle, and Darrell Issa, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has been relentless in his search for the truth.

The Democrats are certain to mention the fact that House Republicans, then in the minority, walked out in 2008 when contempt charges were filed by the House Democrats against Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers, staffers in George W. Bush’s administration. Of course, they will neglect to mention that when the Republicans walked out, it wasn’t over the contempt charges per se, but the fact that the House Democrats used the contempt charges to avoid passing the FISA bill, which was about to expire and allowed the federal government to initiate new activities monitoring terrorists. House Republicans were furious that the Democrats were putting partisan politics before the nation’s security.


  1. If they walk out and STAY out we would all be better off.

  2. Now who's playing the race card! If the CBC was really concerned about justice and doing their job they wouldn't be wallowing in the filth of false prejudice

  3. the CBC by definition is RACIST.
    Do we have a congressional WHITE caucus???? HUH??? HUH???

    NO. That would be considered RACIST.


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