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Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Comment On Cherrystone Campground Worthy Of A Post

Coming across this blog online was rather upsetting for me because it's very true. I'm 20 years old now, and my family has gone to Cherrystone every summer since I wasn't even a year old. So this hits right at home because growing up, even as a 17 and 18 year old, Cherrystone was the only thing I knew and looked forward to every single summer. When I was still an infant, my family was still in their tent camping stages. I was 3 or 4 before they finally upgraded to a pop-up camper and about 11-12 before they upgraded to a 30 foot trailer. Due to these upgrades, every summer we started staying longer. Every since we got our trailer, we've gone to Cherrystone every summer for a straight 4 weeks. And let me tell you, Cherrystone was fun when I was little, but even being young, I saw all of the changes happening every year as I grew up and I hated it. I can't remember the name of the original owner but things were great when he ran the park. When he died, I believe his son took over and when the son passed away from a heart attack, that's when it really went downhill. The main issue is that it's practically run by teenagers now. They took the family out of the campground by charging for kids (which I believed they've changed now by 2012, kids are included now). Ernie(used to run the Bait and Tackle Shop with his wife) was even told to leave Cherrystone because they didn't like how they, quote, "ran it like a mom and pop store." They took what was good and fun out of Cherrystone. Just like in a grade school, the pumped the place full of rules and the only people who seem to get penalized for breaking the rules are the ones that might break one rule once, rather than the kids who run around cussing or riding their bikes at night or the people who catch kill or keep illegal sized fish and crabs or the people who otherwise readily abuse the system. They're still jacking up prices for no reason. The highlight of our summer trip was always watching the fireworks for fourth of july. 10 years ago, those shows last 30 minutes plus. In the last couple years, they've lasted just over 10 minutes. The campground is poorly managed, their activities and amenities are getting cheaper and yet their prices are becoming ridiculous. Honestly, the only reason my family even goes there anymore is for flounder fishing, soft crabbing, and hard crabbing. I didn't get to go last year since I was employed for DNR but I'm excited to be going to visit my family for 8 days this summer (Even though it'll cost me, my boyfriend and my car $35 a night to stay. Honestly, it's not worth $300+ but we have no where else as good as Cherrystone for soft crabbing especially, and also to be honest, it's like a tradition that I miss). Cherrystone was awesome back in it's day and if you didn't ever camp there before the mid 2000's I completely understand why you hate it. My request though is not to hate the campground, it's still good for everything it's got. Hate the people running it, hate the people employed there, and hate the economy. I miss the old Cherrystone.

By Ashley Moreland on Cherrystone Campground Just Isn't What It Used To ... at 6:42 PM


  1. I camped there with my family atleast once a year from the late 80s through the mid 90s. Absolutely loved the place. Haven't been back since 96'.

  2. Well, Ashley tell us . . . Do you like it or not like it? I'm confused.

  3. Try Sandy Hill or Roaring point camp grounds lots of fishing and crabbing.

  4. We used to go every year during October for their Halloween festivities but with all the drunken craziness that got worse each year and people steeling firewood and the teen agers roaming around like gangs at night I finally stopped taking my family there about 5 years ago. It used to be nice but I have absolutely no desire to ever go back there. I don't know the history of the ownership, but clearly, its not being run like it used to be.

  5. Well, Ashley tell us . . . Do you like it or not like it? I'm confused.

    June 17, 2012 2:28 PM

    If you can't figure it out, yes, you are confused.

  6. We just came back from there yesterday. We loved it!!! Everyone was very polite, yes even the teenagers. Not many activities going on yet. I suggest, if you don't like it - go somewhere else so there is room for those of us who do like it. Happy camping!!!!

  7. Things change, and most people hate change....sorry for you that Cherrystone has evolved into something that you no longer enjoy. There are hundreds of examples of situations just like this one...for instance I used to LOVE going to OC when I was a kid. Now it's just a 9 mile long parking lot, full of people who don't speak English and others who leave their manners at the Bay Bridge. Now that I've evolved in a different direction than that which OC evolved to...I'll choose another place to go, where I do enjoy it. This doesn't mean I think OC is a BAD PLACE, only that it no longer suits ME.
    Check into Tall Pines Campground, Ashley. You might prefer that place. Just don't give up camping!

  8. We have camped at cherrystone for over 20 years but in the last 6 years it has changed for the worst. We always kept our camper in storage until about 5 or 6 years ago when our was broken into and set on fire. We stopped leaving our camper there but still did camp there. However after last year we will not be returning to cherrystone. The stealing, lack of security and lack of concern from the staff is unbelievable. They are about the money they can bring in instead of their campers. Our favorite campground is now Tall Pines.

  9. I went there as a kid in the 70s, when the tennis court used to be an outdoor skating rink.

    I've been going with my kids, and several families for about 10 years now.

    It's affordable compared to other options and places to go.

    We try to go twice a year on Memorial Day and one of the Halloween Weekends.

    We love it.

    If you're not happy, spend your money somewhere else.

  10. You can get a waterfront plot with water and electric for under $50 at Roaring Point. The view of the Nanticoke is great, you can fish and crab there, and they have bands once a week.

    Why go all the way to Cherrystone, when you can have a fun time in Nanticoke while saving a lot of money to boot?

  11. My son was chocked by an adult while he was on the children swings. Kids playing around on the swings for babies. The man even told me my son did nothing to provoke it. Watch out for the crazy lady in the office.


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