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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

CNN Mocks Texas Town For Backing Father Who Killed Pedophile

CNN has, in their usual fashion, patronized rural America once more. In their coverage of the Shiner, Texas case where a rancher found a man attempting to sexually molest the rancher’s four-year-old daughter and beat the molester to death with his bare hands, CNN couldn’t resist the opportunity to lampoon such primitive behavior. 

The report begins with the female reporter’s voice-over: “When you hear what happened in Shiner, this town will be known for more than just beer.”

Already the town is belittled for its championing of that “low-class” beverage. One wonders if the reporter would have reported on the same story from the Loire Valley in France: “When you hear what happened in Sancerre, this town will be known for more than just white wine.” Doubtful.



  1. There is quite a few people on CNN that need to be beaten to death

  2. Agreed!

    Wonder what they think should be done? Lets see give him a trial then let him sit in prison a few years Wa La he is now HEALED

  3. With CNN's ratings in the tank, more people probably read this story here than watched it on these left-wing hacks' network.

  4. cnn what's that? aren't their ratings in the crapper? Surprised someone actually heard that. guess they'll sensationalize anything to get above 2% ratings!

  5. If I had been put in the same situation, I would have done exactly the same thing the father did. I would have then turned myself in, and dared any jury in America to find me guilty of anything but defending my family...

  6. I'm not from a rural area or Texas and I support the man 110%.

  7. Considering there's no evidence whatsoever that the murdered man actually assaulted or attempted to assault the child, you blind supporters could easily be the next victim of the rancher's "oh oopsie didn't mean to kill him but he was molesting my daughter sorry!" excuse. You can't defend yourself when you're dead.


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