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Thursday, June 07, 2012

Church Loses Majority of Members & Faces Foreclosure Following Pastor’s Support for Gay Marriage

The Rev. Oliver White of Grace Community United Church of Christ in St. Paul, Minnesota, has lost two-thirds of his congregation. The mass exodus from his pews started back in 2005 when he voted in favor of gay marriage at the national United Church of Christ assembly meeting. Following his support for the measure, the majority of his 320-member flock was flabbergasted and left the church.

“I was really in shock. I visited one member after another, who told me they weren’t coming back because of it,” White, who has pastored at the house of worship for 22 years, said in an interview with The Star Tribune. “The membership evaporated right before my eyes. Their fundamental belief was it’s wrong for a man and a man to marry or a woman and a woman to marry. A lot of them said if I change, they’d come back. But I told them, it is what it is. I am who I am. And this is what I fight for.”



  1. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Wrong side of history. 20 years from now people will find there "stand "unbelievable.

  2. I left my favorite church because the American Flag was not allowed in the sanctuary. It was placed out in the hallway and the pastor would not let it in. I had never been in a church that did not grant the flag the protection of Sanctuary, so I left.

  3. 8:44 The Holy Bible is the unadulterated truth of God if you have enough faith to believe. And the truth never changes. A pastor of a Christian church can no longer be called a believer if he or she decides they want their own version of the truth. Either the people should go or he should.

  4. 9:16

    This "truth" you speak of is your own INTERPRETATION. There is no true answer to the bible.

    The bible clearly shows support for gay marriage in some instances and then clearly doesnt in other.

    According to christianity(I used to be christian), God is supposed to love everyone equally. Why is that so hard for you to accept that?

    You are not a good person.

  5. Hate the sin but love the sinner! This doesn't say support or endorse homosexual behavior. There have been a lot of churches who have offered counseling and treatment for the perversion with great success.


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