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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chicago Shootings Skyrocket as Jarrett Wedding Pulls 100+ Cops

Even as Chicago sent 100+ police officers to guard the wedding of Valerie Jarrett’s daughter, the city underwent a dramatic crime wave. According to local media, at least seven people were killed and 35 were injured over the weekend. One 16-year-old girl took three bullets to the chest and died on Saturday evening; another ten people were shot on Friday, and three were killed Sunday morning. The weekend numbers from Chicago are astonishing – 46 people were hurt and eight died last weekend in Chicago.

In April 2012, Valerie Jarrett herself traveled to Chicago to tout the Obama administration’s “action” on Chicago youth violence, speaking at the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention: “As a mom, it just breaks my heart when I hear stories of young people who fall victim to gangs, drugs, and crime – President Obama, the father of two young girls, feels the same way …. [President Obama] took action. He sent Attorney General Holder and Secretary Duncan to Chicago to discuss youth violence with Mayor Daley and leaders in the community – and those discussions ultimately led to the creation of this National Forum.”



  1. Yea, and where are the new black panthers on this one. It's getting worse and if Obama is defeated in November there will be severe issues with the black population. I strongly suggest to be prepared to protect your property and family. By the way I AM BLACK!

  2. Thanks for the heads up many see it coming.If you live in a city get out while you can or at the very least arm yourselves.

  3. it's a good thing chitago has severe restrictions on guns

    wouldn't want all those gang bangers shooting the town up

  4. Glad I don't have to go to or thru there anymore. It was bad years ago and I'm sure it's only gotten worse.

    Like everywhere else I suppose.

    Even the White House's property value has declined in the last several years.

  5. Another indication of their arrogance and imperialist attitutdes. 100 cops at a wedding?? Sounds like a mafia wedding. They live the high life, the best schools, best neighborhoods, the best of everything, usually at the taxpayers expense. The poor and the middle class fight it out in Afghanistan and come home to fight some more in the streets. But the WEDDING was "protetcted and served", so its all good, huh? I wonder how many police calls went totally UNANSWERED (happens all the time in the cities) while vows were exchanged...

  6. Obama and Holder could care less! why do you think they sold guns to the cartels? Wake up people! Arm yourselves no one else is going to be there for you.


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