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Monday, June 25, 2012

Can The President Rewrite Federal Law?

Here we go again. Is the Constitution merely a guideline to be consulted by those it purports to regulate, or is it really the supreme law of the land? If it is just a guideline, then it is meaningless, as it only will be followed by those in government when it is not an obstacle to their purposes. If it is the supreme law of the land, what do we do when one branch of government seizes power from another and the branch that had its power stolen does nothing about it?

Late last week, President Obama, fresh from a series of revelations that he kills whomever he pleases in foreign lands, that the U.S. military is actually fighting undeclared wars in Somalia and Yemen, and that the CIA is using cyber warfare – computers – to destabilize innocents in Iran, announced that he has rewritten a small portion of federal immigration law so as to accommodate the needs of young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and remained here. By establishing new rules governing deportation, rules that Congress declined to enact, the president has usurped the power to write federal law from Congress and commandeered it for himself.



  1. Good ole "obama" , when will you realize , the "devil" in the white house. Don't believe in the devil?
    Going to get very hot around you.

  2. Obama is not the first, nor will he be the last, to use executive orders. I cannot remember congress declaring war in Iraq or Afghanistan but we are still fighting there over ten years after Bush sent troops there.

  3. The American public is responsible for allowing this egotistical socialist to remain in office. We the people can change our government officials when they disregard constitutional law. Get your petitions ready, arm yourself with the info and get those petitions signed. He must not remain in the White House!

  4. 9:04, This was changing a law which is a duty of congress, not the president. Congress did vote on going into Afghanistan by nearly 100% in favor. Remember 9/11?

  5. 9:12, Congress never officially declared war on Iraq, which only they can do. Bush simply ordered troops there.

  6. There is no law in this administration. obamie , you rock!


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