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Friday, June 22, 2012

Breaking News

The jury has reached a verdict in Jerry Sandusky abuse trial.

From Fox News

Jerry Sandusky found guilty on 45 of 48 counts


  1. There is a God. Thank you.

  2. This homosexual child predator will never walk the streets again!

  3. Not going anywhere for a while, Jerry?

  4. Good! Now go prosecute those who helped cover for this animal. Put them in jail too. Sandusky may get the same treatment in jail. If the prisoners have a chance, he will find out what it is like to be a victim of abuse too.

  5. 9:55 Yes, You are sooo right as they're just as guilty!!!

  6. You are sooo right as they're just as guilty!!!

    June 23, 2012 10:59 AM

    you are correct also. Their silence made it possible for more kids to make the sound of flesh slapping flesh with Sandusky.

    How are they going to live with that?

  7. 12:47 maybe they won't.


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