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Friday, June 29, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: House OKs Transportation Bill With Student Loan Help

House passes transportation bill that includes provision to stop student loan rate increase.

From Fox News


  1. I'm happy that they voted to stop the student loan increase but can anybody tell me WHAT that has to do with a transportation bill.

  2. Don't know what student loans have to do with transportation either, 1:59 but there's also a provision in Obamacare concerning them.
    From Redstate----
    Buried beneath the thousand or so page monster known as “Obamacare” was a measure in place having nothing to do with actual health care, health care costs, or ways in which to provide affordable, high quality care for lower income Americans. IN this bill there was a provision put in place by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that would give the federal government via the Dept. of Education sole control of student loan access.

  3. 3:54. I guess that's how the government keeps getting away with so much. They put things in a bill that has nothing to do with the actual bill and then it gets passed on what it is and sometimes the hidden things are more then we bargained for. Sneaky SOBs.

  4. They want control of the student loans so they can pick and choose who attends college. If they feel someone is not smart enough they will come up with some excuse to deny the loan. Sounds more and more like Communism everyday.

  5. Anon: 941am

    They used to do that all the time.It was called a typical day in America.


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