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Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Blaze Fact Checks ‘Weeping Voter’: His Claims Are…

During an “emotional” segment following the results of last night’s recall election between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D), one miserable Barrett supporter said the following:
We just got outspent $34 million to $4 million dollars. This was, this was the biggest election in America and I hope you keep me on tonight because this hurts us all. Every single on of you out there in the nation, if you’re watching democracy died tonight.

I’m very emotional because we all had a lot invested in this. This was it. If we didn’t win tonight, the end of the U.S. as we know it just happened. That’s it. We just got outspent $34 million to $4 million dollars.


  1. What it an overlooked fact, if you take out both Walker and Barrett's out of state funds, Walker outraised Barrett more than 4 to 1 in Wi.

  2. Hey Anonymous: What are you going to say when Obama gets fired in a few months and you have to get a real job?

  3. How much money did the unions spend? A little more than 4 million,but that doesn't count.


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